摘要跨文化翻译是翻译研究的重要组成部分,能够使得译本更符合目标语文化的主流意识形态和生活观念。本文采用苏珊·巴斯奈特的文化翻译观为理论指导,以赛珍珠的 《大地》英文原著和王逢振的汉译本《大地》为研究对象,在已有理论的基础上,结合作者和译者各自的风格、文化背景等,从生态文化、物质文化、社会文化、宗教文化、语言文化等方面进行翻译分析,用具体实例证实把翻译置身于文化背景中研究的必要性和跨文化翻译理论在翻译文本分析中的普遍实用性,为进一步深入研究《大地》的翻译展示了新的视角,以期对中国题材外语文学作品的翻译现象做出有力的解释并提供一定的借鉴。87670

毕业论文关键词  大地  跨文化翻译交际  翻译分析 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title      A Cross-Culture Study On the Translation of The Good Earth   

Abstract Cross-culture translation is an important part of translation studies, making version conform to the target culture’s mainstream ideology and the concept of life。 This thesis, based on Susan Bassnett’s cultural translation theory and taking The Good Earth and Wang Fengzhen’s translation version as research objects, will combine author’s style with the translator’s cultural backgrounds to analyze the translation under the context of ecological, material, social, religious and linguistic culture。 With specific translation examples, it is necessary to put the text into cultural settings, proving the universal application of cross-culture translation theory and providing new perspective for further study。 The purpose of the study is to make a strong explanation for the Chinese subjects in foreign language literature works and offer a reference。 

Keywords  The Good Earth  Cross-Cultural Communication  Translation Analysis 

Table of Contents

1   Introduction 1源-于,优+尔^论=文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752.018766

1。1   About The Good Earth 1

1。2   Research Methodology 1

2   Bassnett's Cultural Translation Theory 2

2。1   Language, Culture and Translation 2

2。2   Cultural Functional Equivalence 4

3   Cross-Culture Analysis on the Translation of The Good Earth 6

3。1   Ecological Culture 6

3。2   Material Culture 7

3。3   Religious Culture 8

3。4   Social Culture 10

3。5   Linguistics Culture 11

Conclusion。。。。 。。。13

Acknowledgment 14

Reference 15

1 Introduction

1。1 About the Good Earth

Published in 1931, The Good Earth, written by Pearl S。 Buck (1892-1973), was extremely popular in literary world。 It has a great influence on the westerners’ attitude and thought towards traditional Chinese。 The Good Earth is one of Pearl S。 Buck’s famous works, which tells traditional Chinese peasant story, including garments and decorations in building, the custom of Chinese wedding and marriage in different classes and their funeral, local people’s religion and belief, politics and situations, cooking and food and other features, which needs demanding requirement of the author to create the splendid work。 Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1938, The Good Earth, was the best-selling literature novel, which once got the famous Pulitzer Prize in 1932。 Since 1970s, many scholars started to focus on Pearl S。 Buck and her famous works, but few of them study on the Chinese translation version of The Good Earth。 Due to the insufficiency of study on the Chinese translation version, some Chinese are unaware of the great novel。 Let alone the writer Pearl S。 Buck。 Up to now, very few people have done research on The Good Earth’s Chinese translation version。 The analysis of cross-culture translation from Bassnett’s cultural translation theory in The Good Earth has a great significance, offering a large number of examples for the cross-culture translation study, and achieving the aim of bringing Chinese culture to the Western world。 From+优|尔-论_文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ752018.766

















