摘要电影《被解救的姜戈》是由美国著名导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺执导的一部电影。电影是一部充满暴力美学色彩的西部片。电影主要讲述了一个黑人奴隶被一位白人医生解救并在他的帮助下成功解救出妻子的故事。影片结合美国内战前夕特定的历史背景,对美国的种族歧视和黑人奴隶制度给予了彻底的批判。本文选取影片中的三个主要人物,姜戈,舒尔茨和卡尔文,通过分析这三个人物探究三种不同的个人英雄主义类型,并总结出它的发展及所产生的的影响。 87797

毕业论文关键词  《被解救的姜戈》  个人英雄主义   不同类型  影响

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  An Analysis of the Inpidual Heroism in Django Unchained

Abstract The film Django Unchained is directed by Quentin Tarantino, a famous American director。 It is a western film filled with violence aesthetics。 It tells a story that a black slave is rescued by a doctor, a white man, and then successfully saves his wife with the help of the doctor。 With the background of the specific history before the Civil War, the film gives a thorough critique to American racial discrimination and slavery。 This thesis intends to discuss three different types of inpidual heroism by analyzing three main characters, Django, Schultz and Calvin, and concludes the development and influence of inpidual heroism。源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766

Keywords   Django Unchained  inpidual heroism   different types  influence

Table of Contents

1  Introduction 1

2  Literature review 2

3  Three types of heroism in Django Unchained

3。1  Django: the orthodox hero 4

3。2  Schultz: the tragic hero 6

3。3 Calvin: the negative "hero" 7

4  Development and impact of inpidual heroism 8

Conclusion 11

Acknowledgments 12

References 13From+优`尔^文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ75201^8766

1 Introduction

Django Unchained is directed by Quentin Tarantino, an American director who is famous for his violence aesthetics in his movies。 In the 85th Academy Awards ceremony, the film won the award for best original screenplay。 Christopher Waltz won the award for best supporting actor by virtue of the film。 The film was nominated for the eighty-fifth Oscar Award for best film, best cinematography and best sound editing。 Genius director, Quentin Tarantino spent three years preparing this film。 Though the film is only 165 minutes, the film has a low-key luxury style where you can see bloody and wild action scenes。 It is also produced to honor the 1966 Italian classic western film, Django。 The film is set in South America, two years before the outbreak of the Civil War。 It is also a key period of the abolition of Black Slavery in the United States。 Faced with the potential and great social change, various groups have shown different attitudes and complex human characteristics。论文网

The major character Django is a black slave。 On his way to be sold as a slave, he meets the German bounty hunter, doctor King Schultz。 Schultz is hunting Brito brothers。 In order to successfully complete the mission and receive the bounty, Schultz rescues Django and gives him freedom, equal rights, guidance and training。 Due to his training, Django quickly becomes an excellent shooter。 In return, Schultz needs to help Django rescue his wife who has also been sold to be a slave by brutal lord of candy manor, Calvin。 Schultz promises him。 

















