2。4 Yang Xianyi 6

3。The Feminist Translation Theory 8

3。1。1 Supplementing 8

3。1。2 Prefacing and From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 Footnoting 8

3。1。3 Hijacking 8

3。2 The Translator’s subjectivity 8

3。3 The Feminist Features in the New Year’s Sacrifice 10

4。 An Analysis of Yang’s Translation of the New Year’s Sacrifice 12

4。1 Prefacing and Footnoting 12

4。2 Supplementing 14

4。3 Hijacking 17

5。Conclusion 19

References 21

1。 Introduction

1。1 Purpose of the study

With the development of feminist movement in the Europe and North America, feminism started have great influence on academic circle。 During the 1980s, feminist movement entered into a new course, focusing on the culture area。 Meanwhile, translation studies experienced the “culture turn”。 The feminist translation theory has been a hot topic since the emergence of the “culture turn”。 Feminist translation theory gives a new perspective to study this area。论文网

 Lu Xun is a Chinese literature master。 He used literature as a method to critically reflect on tradition and to inquire into people’s external behavior and internal spirit。 The aim of his writing was to save the heart of Chinese people and to reached the overall consciousness of the society。 It meant to realize the reconstruction of national ideal personality。 So Lu Xun encouraged women to seek for independence and emancipation from feudal oppression, which was the main idea of essay the New Year’s Sacrifice。 The New Year’s Sacrifice is a famous short novel filled with many feminist features。 And famous translator Yang Xianyi and Gladys have translated the New Year’s Sacrifice。

This thesis intends to explore Yang’s translation of the New Year’s Sacrifice from the perspective of the feminist translation theory。 First of all, it introduced some previous studies of the feminist translation including the translator’s subjectivity and strategies。 Secondly, it mainly analyses the Yang Xianyi’s version。

1。2 Research Method

The paper mainly adopts the case study method。 All available information about previous studies on Yang’s translation of the New Year’s Sacrifice, the translation subjectivity, the feminist translation theory and translation strategies will be introduced in this paper。 By using three translation strategies as standard and making case study of Yang’s version, this research plan to explore the feminist features in the translation。

1。3 Significance of the Thesis

Yang Xianyi was a Chinese literary translator, known for rendering many ancient and modern Chinese classics into English。 There are some studies analyzing Yang’s translation of the New Year’s Sacrifice, yet studies on exploring from the perspective of the feminist translation theory are not enough。 It is necessary to combine the studies of feminist translation theory and the English version。 The New Year’s Sacrifice itself contains many feminist features。 The thesis hopes to appreciate Yang’s version in a new perspective and to explore the feminist translation values and translator’s subjectivity in the translation。文献综述

1。4 Thesis Structure

















