摘 要本文旨在探讨小说《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中女主人公艾米丽的爱情,以及它的形成,发展还有结束。尽管艾米丽尽力拥有自己的爱情,最终也没能实现,甚至在别人看来,爱的有点扭曲,有点变态还有点难以让人接受。但是艾米丽毕竟以很多人难以理解的方式经历了爱情。本文包括四部分,第一部分探讨了艾米丽的生活环境,包括成长环境和社会环境,同时还有新旧价值观之间的冲突。第二部分从俩人相恋和旁人对他们爱情的评论以及荷默的残忍背弃三方面分析艾米丽的爱情观正确与否。第三部分从对影响艾米丽爱情观的因素出发,其中包括艾米丽父亲的影响还有阶级压力以及艾米丽自身的性格因素。文章最后探讨了是否应该给与艾米丽“玫瑰”,从爱的角度出发,艾米丽应该受到赞扬。25104
摘 要 i
Abstract .ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Love Between Homer Barron and Emily 3
2.1 Emily’s Beautiful Love with Homer Barron 3
2.2 Others’ Remarks About Emily’s Love 4
2.3 Homer’s Cruelty of Not Marrying Emily 5
III. Influencing Factors of Emily’s View of Love 6
3.1 Emily’s Father 6
3.1.1 Emily’s Love When Her Father’s Alive.....6
3.1.2 The Love After Emily’s Father’s Death..8
3.2 Class Pressure 9
3.3 Emily’s Dual Characters 10
V. Conclusion 12
Bibliography 15
Acknowledgments 16
Abstract This paper aims to explore Emily’s view on love, and how it was formed, developed and ended. Though Emily tried her best to own her love, but her endeavor was in vain in the end. Even in others’ view, her love is twisted, abnormal and unintelligible. After all she has experienced her love which most of people can not understand. The paper includes four parts. In chapter one, it gives a short discussion about Emily’s life environment, including Emily’s growing environment and social environment. In addition, the clashes between the new values and the old ones are discussed. Chapter two analyzes whether Emily’s view of love is right or not, from Emily’s beautiful love with Homer Barron. It also gives others’ remarks about her love and Homer’s cruelty of not marrying her. Chapter three gives three factors that influence Emily’s view of love. First, Emily’s father’s influence, second, class pressure, third, her own characters’ limitation. Chapter four is the conclusion. This part summarizes “rose” symbolizes love in many novels, so should the rose be given to Emily? From the point of love, Emily should be praised because of her love.
Key words: A Rose for Emily; view on love; influencing factors
An Analysis of Emily’s View on Love in A Rose for Emily
I. Introduction
William Faulkner is one of the most outstanding writers in American literature. He
was born and lived in the South of America, which influenced him greatly. Therefore, most of his works described the people and their lives in the South. With the appearance of Faulkner, the South appeared the literary glories of “the South Renaissance”, which ever called “the literary desert” (Yu 460). He invented a county and a town in his imagination, and he wrote about the society in the South by inventing families which represented different social forces: the old, decaying upper class; the rising, ambitious, unscrupulous class of “poor whites”; and the Negroes who labored for both of them. His major works included Sartoris, The Unvanquished, The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, The Town and A Rose for Emily, Absalom, Absalom! . Published in 1930, A Rose for Emily was one of the best known and the most widely read novel among William Faulkner’s short stories. The story took place in a mythical town that William Faulkner called Jefferson, Mississippi. The story happened at the period of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when the town was learning to live with the South’s loss in the Civil War and the consequent dismantling of the slavery-based society that had preceded it. Because of the loss in the Civil War, people in the south led a poor life. Especially the white people, their life suddenly become poor because most of the slaves went to the north to work for the northern industry, so the white people couldn’t get accustomed to the life change in a short time, but they still pretended to be noble and kept their family’s dignity (Howard 30). Faulkner is one of the most important writers in both American literature generally and Southern literature specifically. Though his work was published as early as 1919, and largely during the 1920s and 1930s, Faulkner was relatively unknown until receiving the 1949 Nobel Prize in Literature. William Faulkner’s reputation and influence had spread to every part of the world.
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