The Comparison of Cybersecurity Discourse between American and China

Abstract While cyber technology has played a huge role in promoting the development of human civilization, it has also brought a wide range of security risks for inpiduals and society as a whole。 When entering the 21st century, with the growing popularity of the cyberspace as well as penetrating areas of politics, economy and culture, and the gradual emergence of cybersecurity issues, cybersecurity has become an important factor seriously affecting national security。 Therefore, cybersecurity has become a non-traditional security issue the international community has to face。 89909

And now discourse analysis is one of the most powerful subjects in the humanities and social sciences。 Different from the traditional linguistic, language is abstracted from the context of description, it concerns the speech phenomenon and speech problems and related to the social life itself。 Because of it, the Discourse Analysis also affects other humanity social science, as their studying method。 To protect our cybersecurity, we need to analyze the discourse, and put out some correct discourse。

 In order to examine the issue of China-US cybersecurity, the paper first talks about the situation about the internet and then talks about what is cybersecurity。 In the second part and what is most important in this paper, I try to compare the different arguments on cybersecurity between American government and Chinese government。 Then I try to analyze these arguments and find the reasons why these two governments say in this way or that way。 And at the end of this paper, I put forward some of my ideas to protect our cybersecurity。 And these ideas not only include how to express the cybersecurity ,but also what can we do to protect cybersecurity。 I wish this paper can help to deal with the problem of cybersecurity and give others some inspirations。

Keywords: Cybersecurity; difference; discourse; enlightenment


摘  要 随着网络应用的日益成熟,互联网打破了传统意义上的国家的“边疆”的限制,以网络及电脑为表现形式和基本载体的“第五空间”已日渐成型。信息技术的发展和网络的普及,使得网络安全问题由虚拟空间向现实世界延伸,给各国安全和国际安全带来新的挑战。同时中美两国之间针对网络安全始终存在着巨大的冲突和矛盾。而中美作为大国,对网络空间和平与发展有巨大责任。因此,如何改善和解决中美之间针对网络安全而产生地矛盾是一个值得研究地问题。我通过比较中美国家政府发表的有关网络安全的文件内容来寻找有利于改善中美关系的办法。研究发现,因为中美两国对网络安全做出的定位不同所以所做出的策略有所差异。为此,通过对比和研究,我提出了几点改善中美矛盾的建议,希望可以改善中美关系,促进中美之间的合作。



1。 Cybersecurity and its controversy 1

1。1 Security and national security 1

1。2 What is cybersecurity? 2

1。3 Disputes about cybersecurity 2

2。 The Comparison of the governments’源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网 原文+QQ75201,8766 discourses of cybersecurity between America and China and look for the reasons 5

2。1 The different augments between American government and Chinese government on cybersecurity 5

2。2 The analysis of these auguments 5

2。2。1 American hegemony control strategy











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