Chapter four Findings and Discussion 14

4。1 Existing Pitfalls of teacher talk 15

4。1。1 Great amount of teacher talk 15

4。1。2 Low efficiency of feedback 15

4。1。3 Unidiomatic expressions 15

4。1。4 Lack of creative thinking 16

4。2 Main differences between the experienced teachers and the inexperienced teachers 16

4。2。1 Effective feedback VS repeated feedback 16

4。2。2 Complex sentences VS simple sentences 17

Chapter five Implications and conclusion 19

5。1 Implications 19

5。1。1 Evaluation of the students 19

5。1。2 Preparation before the class 19

5。1。3 Redefinition of the job 19

5。1。4 Innovation of Teacher Talk 20

5。2 Conclusion 20

Reference 22

Chapter one Introduction

1。1 The present status of Teacher Talk in Primary school 源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Teacher Talk,in my understanding, referring to the discourses teachers use in the class in order to organize the teaching, nowadays has become a hotter and hotter issue。 The main reason of this trend is the unavoidable change of our class that traditionally, our class is teacher-centered which means that when having class, there is teacher talking and teaching all the time which easily results the students’ dullness and lack of expressing; however, now what is favored is student-centered class with more opportunities for students to express and show themselves。 With the new curriculum reform, the New English Curriculum Standard points out that one of the designing principles is to promote learner-centered model and to respect inpidual’s difference。 As Nunan once said “Looking back, I wish the teacher had given me more opportunities to use the language in class, especially speaking it in and outside the classroom。 It helped having him explain everything to us, but it would have been more fun and meaningful had we have the chance to use the language in more creative ways。 Come to think of it, it would have been more fun and challenging if I was in at the deep end”, thus, teacher’s role in class is supposed to change。 However, in real classes, many teachers’ talk still takes a large percentage of the class time which does no good to students’ development of language competence。 A recent research shows that in English classrooms teachers spend 70 to 80 percent of class time talking(Nunan, 1990)。 Hence, Teacher Talk is paid much importance to for the sake of both students and teachers。 In English class, Teacher Talk is both the intermediary language of organizing and implementing teaching process and the objectives of teaching, which means that the quality of the discourse is directly linked to the output of the learners, especially in primary school, during which teachers’ discourse takes the most percentage of language input。 Although with the increasing economy level, the cost of sending children abroad for true communication with natives is affordable for more and more families, the basic and most important language output is from what they learn in the class, which, in other words, is from Chinese teachers who teach English。 Thus, as primary school English teachers, improving our teacher talk has significant meaning both in students’ development and in our own professionalism。

















