Some critique of archaic Chinese poems translated by Qiu Xiaolong
Abstract It is so different between Chinese and English that translators argue greatly about how to translate archaic Chinese poems。 The key arguing point is how to deal with diction, rhyme and images。 However, the most special point in the translations by Qiu Xiaolong is the revivification of readers’ experience。 Chinese literature scholars would focus on the keynotes and paces of the poems, but translators seldom consider these factors in translating。 And Qiu is the one who considers these, which also makes his translations special。 Another impressive aspect of Qiu’s translations is that he presents the image which is quite close to the original ones。 He changes the order of phrases and breaks one sentence into several lines without changing the meaning。 However, it is a risky way in that it is easy to explain too much, hence to be avoided while translating。 In fact, this problem can be seen in his translations of Subtle and Concise Poems。 There are too many interpretations, which limits the imagination that the original poet want to leave to readers, and besides, Qiu abandons rhymes。90166
Keywords: Archaic Chinese poems; archaic Chinese poems translation; Qiu Xiaolong
摘 要 中英语系差别之大,审美习惯之迥异,使得一众翻译家在翻译中国古诗时产生了不小的分歧,如何处理字面意思、韵脚和意境是各方争执的关键点。然而纵观裘小龙先生的翻译,最特别之处莫过于对读者的直观体验的还原。汉学家在研究古诗时,诗歌的基调节奏都是研究的对象,但在翻译中却少有翻译家兼顾,裘先生翻译的特别之处正在于此。其次裘先生也十分重视意境的还原,在保证字面意思基本无误的情况下,通过语序的调动和一句断成数行的做法,尽可能地向读者还原了古诗原貌。但采用这种方法,一旦把握不好自由发挥的界线,极容易在翻译中出现过分解读的情况,而这正是需要谨慎避免的一点。裘先生的这个弊端在婉约派诗词的翻译中得以体现,译作中主观成分过多,从而减少了原作留给读者自由想象的空间,最后裘先生在翻译时,韵脚是被摈弃的因素。
1。 Introduction 1
1。1 Background 1
1。2 Qiu Xiaolong 1
1。3 Purpose 2
2。 Literature Review 3
2。1 Archaic Chinese Poems 3
2。2 Translating archaic Chinese poems 5
3。 Translated Poems Analysis 7
3。1 Introduction 7
3。2 Comparisons 8
3。2。1 Several cases of poem study 8
3。2。1。1 Trip to Jiangling 8
3。2。1。2 Cicadas Chill, Shrill (To the Tune of Yulinling) 9
3。2。1。3 Mid-Autumn Festival Night (To the Tune of Shuidiaogetou) 10
3。2。1。4 Red Cliff (To the Tune of Niannujiao) 12
3。2。2 Comparisons of different versions 14
3。2。2。1 Comparisons of forms 20
3。2。2。1。1 Rhyme 20
3。2。2。1。2 Frame and Form