Newspeak created by George Orwell in 1984 is a very interesting but thought-provoking example of a fictional language。 It is a recently developed language within the setting of 1984 and very restrictive in nature within the novel, which is not usually the norm within literature。 As it is introduced in Appendix ,” Newspeak was the official language of Oceania and had been devised to meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism。。。The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible。。。 Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum。” Orwell presents Newspeak in a horrible way ,as like a disease, which, in a large sense , has to be prevented。

1。2 Cyberspeak

Cyberspeak, once specifically referred to words or terms in relation to computer technology, now, in this paper, gains a much extensive and complicated definition, which we know it as "a newly-emerged words and expressions since 2000s。" They can not be arbitrarily classified into a certain kind of languages, for they don't belong to any nation nor they are relatively fixed already。 Rather, some of them are current worldwide and keep changing (in both grammar and forms) all the time。 They are not right the same as Internet buzzwords expect something in common, which is also the reason why they are called "Cyberspeak"。 On the one hand, as one of the greatest inventions in the 21th century, computer and its peripheral products have a huge impact on every aspects in our life, surely including new nouns created for new things。 On the other hand, Internet has gradually become the main media where we communicate or exchange information with our acquaintances or the people we even don't know。 This immensely accelerates the speed of information dissemination thus this phenomenon is entitled "Cyberspeak"。

1。3 Significance of this paper 

Some scholars hold the view that Cyberspeak is not a standard language for it sometimes overthrows the tradition structures of language。 Therefore, it should be forbidden, or at least not be advocated。 Yet others concern it as the representative of a newborn thought that it is not supposed to be banned。 Language has been updating everyday since the day human acquired the ability to speak。 As for the influence a kind of language would brought to the society, literary master George Orwell have noticed the thesis early in 1940s。 It seems to people that there is so much exaggeration in the novel that it could only be treated as a novel。 Indeed, George Orwell is not a prophet and he didn't insist on the falling of the world in 1984。 He hoped to convey a warning that we human beings was losing independence, judgment and love。 Quite a few researchers have seen the potential of the novel and spare no effort to draw the essence from the book, about social justice, anti-totalitarianism, political revolutions etc。 This paper focuses on the field of language。 Actually, Orwell expressed his concern about the corruption of English language(by multiple factors) before the publishment of 1984。 Therefore, this paper tends to further study his passion for clarity in language in the book and find messages in favor of today's language development。 文献综述

Another keyword in the title is "Cyberspeak", which could be interpreted as buzzwords originally created on the social networks, or just popular expressions attached to certain events。 Recent years, arguments and concerns about Cyberspeak have never stopped。 In the appendix to 1984, striking similarities could be found between Newspeak and Cyberspeak。

   Here's the originality of this paper。 On the one hand, researches about Newspeak carried out before only focused on only one or two features of it , and from either positive or negative point of view。 This paper view the Newspeak systematically and objectively。 On the other hand, there are a few scholars abroad has noticed the relationship between twitter(Cyberspeak) and Newspeak。 But they merely talked about the status quos。 Domestically speaking, more experiments or researches discuss Cyberspeak alone, which more or less limits their horizons。 As a consequence, they cannot associate it with Newspeak。 This paper will make predictions about future of Cyberspeak, with the help of studying another parallel language and at the same time, offer proper measures as well。 

















