The Guided Learning Plan Model is a relatively new model of instruction。 In the traditional class, teachers are leaders, who control and dominate all the class time, and students are passive listeners and receivers。 In this kind of class, teachers just tell students the knowledge points and students only listen and take notes passively。 Thus, students are tired of having classes。 The effect of this class is not satisfying。 While in the new model of instruction, students are active participants。 With Learning Plan, students can preview the contents to be learned more conveniently before class, learn and recite the contents more actively and effectively in class rather than busy in taking notes, and review the knowledge easily after class。 The operation measures of this model roughly are: organizing the learning groups reasonably, carrying out group activities actively and having impartial evaluation timely。

This model includes two facets: on the one hand, the students’ learning process: learning by themselves, cooperating and enquiring, presenting and communicating, solving problems, evaluating and concluding, checking and self-examining; on the another hand, the teachers’ teaching process: designing learning plans, guiding preview, partaking in communication, giving advice, summarizing the class。论文网

In general, this paper adopts the research method of combining theoretical research and practical experience。 The common principle, content, characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of this pattern are analyzed by means of obtaining relevant data from the library and network。 And then, by combining the general principle of these patterns and the concrete situation of English teaching, the paper obtains the implementation method with the characteristics of English subject under the Guided Learning Plan Model。

2。 Literature Review

This chapter covers the following three parts。 The first part will introduce some definitions about the Guided Learning Plan Model。 The second part is going to interpret the theoretical bases: humanism, constructivism, and autonomous learning theory。 The last part will present the Guided Learning Plan Model’s previous research。

2。1 Definitions about the Guided Learning Plan Model文献综述

Because the Guided Learning Plan Model is relatively new, there is no specific definition of it has been proposed。 The following will introduce several common definitions of Learning Plan and the Guided Learning Plan Model。

2。1。1 Definition of Learning Plan

Learning Plan, which is called Daoxuean in Chinese, is a concept that came into being in late 1990s in China。 From then on, it became more and more mature and now, it’s very popular in many middle schools in China, such as Jinhua No。1 Middle School in Zhejiang Province, Zibo No。5 Middle in Shandong Province。 Then, what is Learning Plan? In fact, there is not an accurate or popular definition of it。 Different researchers have different interpretations of this concept from different aspects。 The following three explanations are representative。 The first one: Learning Plan is defined as a case for students to study (Guan 08)。 The second one: Learning Plan is a program that teachers use to guide students to study (Wang 12)。 The third one: Learning Plan is the material that the teacher provides to students to study (Shao 05)。

From the perspective of students having learning activities with Learning Plan, Learning Plan is considered as a tool that can help students learn effectively whether it is defined as a learning program or a learning plan or tutoring material。

     The teaching process with Learning Plan is a process of cultivating students’ creative spirit and improving students’ creative ability and intelligence。 Teachers should compile the textbooks creatively and flexibly so as to extend students’ thinking as much as possible and help students do independent inquiry and cooperative learning。 Besides, students’ affection should be taken into consideration as well。

















