Abstract Dallas Buyers Club is a film based on Ron Woodruff’s real experience。 This is a story about a terminally ill patient who is struggling to survive。 This paper takes the movie “Dallas Buyers Club” as the medium, from the perspective of inpidualism, to analyze the values and significance of life in the process that Ron who, from struggling to overcome the predicament, dares to pursuit his dream。 Firstly, this paper defines the meaning of inpidualism, and discusses the importance of inpidualism to promote the development of the United States。 Secondly, on the basis of the content of the film, from the perspective of inpidualism, focus on some of the plots, to discuss the reflection and significance of inpidualism in the process of Ron’s struggling for the right of life。85740

Keywords: “Dallas Buyers Club”; inpidualism; significance

摘要《达拉斯买家俱乐部》是根据罗恩·伍德鲁夫的真实经历改编的电影。这是一 个关于绝症患者努力求生的故事,也是一个关于抗争的故事。论文以电影《达拉斯 买家俱乐部》为媒介,对主人公在困境之中挣扎到勇于抗争,最后为自己梦想奋斗 的过程进行分析,从个人主义视角探讨生命意义和价值。首先,界定个人主义的含 义,阐述个人主义对推动美国发展的重要性。其次,简介电影内容,在此基础上, 对影片中部分情节进行重点分析,探讨主人公在争取其生存权利的过程中所体现出 的个人主义价值观及其意义。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Inpidualism in American Culture 1

3。 Inpidualism in the Film Dallas Buyers Club 4

3。1 Equal right to know 4

3。2 Equal right to choose 5

3。3 Inpidual freedom of belief 6

4。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction

Inpidualism is the core of American culture and an important part of American spirit。 Inpidualism has played an indispensable role in the development history of the United States from the beginning of founding American nation。  Inpidualism  affects the American people’s thought, way of life, attitude towards life, and so on。 Inpidualism can be seen everywhere in American society。来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766

The film is a carrier of cultural communication, a microcosm of social life, and the intuitive image to show the various aspects of American social culture。 The characters in the movie can reflect social reality。 They provide plenty of materials for learning and understanding of American society and culture, and show values in American culture for us。 The movies that reflect the inpidualism in the United States emerge in an endless stream。 For example, the freedom of personality in The Shawshank Redemption, the freedom of will in Titanic, and the self-reliance in Pursuit Of Happyness。

Like the above mentioned films based on real person’s experience, the film Dallas Buyers Club, is different from those films because it takes AIDS and homosexuality as elements, so that it caused great repercussions in theaters, and a growing number of people take it as an example for academic research。 For example, “Dallas Buyers Club Precluding AIDS of ‘cowboy’” studies the pace of the movie and the spirit of altruism。 And “Song of the protesters: Dallas Buyers Club” studies how a man struggle against the fate and the government。论文网

















