2。 Literature Review

2。1 Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is a process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts without using any words。 To some degree, the non-verbal communication involves non-verbal movements and body languages。 For example, “sit down” or “stand up”, “smile” or “cry”, these body behaviors are non-verbal communication that express what the speakers want to transmit to others。 Also, except expressing thoughts deliberately, non-verbal language can illustrate others’ feelings or emotions unconsciously。 Therefore, no matter how people behave their inner world, the non-verbal communication shows people’s true feelings and make talking much sincere and colorful。 However, we should take it into consideration that non-verbal communication can lead people misunderstand some unnecessary information while conveyed。 In order to understand the non-verbal language, we should pide it into different categories。 According to some scholars, non-verbal communication includes body language (such as eye contact, facial expression, gesture, posture) , para-language (like silence, non-verbal sound), and object language (including the clothes, the setting of scene)。 As a result, using non-verbal communication in English teaching will decorate the class much vividly and help students understand the strange foreign language much easily。

2。2 Body language论文网

As we all know, body language is a nonverbal way which transmit some certain information that we cannot use language to express through facial expressions,gestures and postures, during our daily lives,we always have some body movement while talking to others, such as nodding, handshaking, eyesight and so on。 Because body language is a tool to communicate with others and express ourselves by the way we move, smile, frown rather than by words, teachers should pay more attention to it in English teaching。

3。 The Present Situation of Primary School English education

English teachers are bent on devoting themselves to English teaching。 In order to teach the subject well, teachers carefully study the subject standard, observe and also learn the teaching model from other provinces。 Gradually the teachers understand that English is a practical, highly interdisciplinary subject, and primary school English class should pay more attention on encouraging students to learn English actively and stimulating students’ interest in learning。 After years of practice teaching, through teaching and exploring the truth, the teachers understand that the primary school English teaching is full of confusion and the present situation of it is not optimistic。

3。1 The role of English education in the primary school

English learning has four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing。 Body language is the main way to get language information and feelings。 In recent years, teachers pay more attention to strengthening students' English and improving the students' English comprehension level。 (Ding, 2009)

English is an important part of language communicative competence。 Body language is the basic form of human communication, and "body language" is an important mean to obtain information, and it is at the heart of improving language communicative competence。 But in the past, the cultivation of body language and skill is not serious。 People have learnt English for many years, but the result is "deaf" and "dumb"。 With the development of the society, frequent exchanges between countries, the usage of English is more and more common, the layout was confined to the written communication, but oral communication opportunity is increasing and voice information data is richer than written one。 Therefore, this requires the English learners must master body language skills。

3。2 Problems of English education in the primary school 文献综述

















