
    The Avengers is an adaptation of the best-selling comic books with the same name. Since 2008, Marvel Studios has started to build the Marvel Cinematic Universe (can be abbreviated to MCU), which means that the Marvel Studios translates the characters from the Marvel Comics to the big screen. After the box office success of the Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger, the Marvel released the film The Avengers in May 2012. This film is the last film for the first stage of MCU. It is directed and adapted by Joss Whedon and its leading actors are Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans etc.. The film has set and tied numerous box office records, including the biggest opening weekend in North America and the fastest film to gross $1 billion. The Avengers grosses over $1.5 billion worldwide, and becomes the third-highest-grossing film, just behind Avatar and Titanic. Getting such a good performance, the Avengers deserves a success of Hollywood marketing.
    1.2 Research contents
        This thesis consists of 5 chapters. The first chapter is introduction. In this chapter, we explain the background and significance of the research and illustrate the main contents and research methods of this thesis. The second chapter is the overview of the theory. In this chapter, we describe the film marketing research status at home and abroad and the introduction of Integrated Marketing Communication theory. The third chapter is a case analysis. In this chapter, we analyze the film The Avengers, the successful example of the integrated marketing communication theory, and find the factors of box office success. The fourth chapter is suggestion on the Chinese films. In this chapter, we compare The Avengers with Chinese series films on marketing strategy and explore the development direction of Chinese series films in the future. The fifth chapter is conclusion. In this chapter, we summarize the full text and show the innovation and limitation of this thesis.
    1.3 Research methods
    In this thesis, the author analyzes the winning marketing strategy of The Avengers by combining integrated marketing communication theory to find out the suitable marketing strategy for Chinese series films.
    1.4 Research significance
    With the development of economy, people remain a large demand on cultural products. Chinese film industry is faced with the spring. The prosperity of film market leads to the growth of GDP. So it’s necessary to study the scientific marketing theory. In order to make film market prosperous, we must gain the market share. While scientific marketing theory is one of the key point to win the market. Many Chinese filmmakers only consider the film as artwork and they ignore the commodity attribute of the film. What’s more, at the present stage, making marketing strategy is still based on experiences. Thus, winning more market share by using scientific marketing strategy is an urgent problem for developing Chinese film industry.
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