It refers to business activities in the center of exchanging commodities by means of network information technology, in other word, it also means that under the open network environment, buyers and sellers based on browser/server applications do not need to meet for various business activities in a wide range of commercial trade activities around the world, this behavior can realize consumers’ online shopping, online transactions between merchants and online electronic payment and various business activities。 E-commerce is made up of store, consumer, product and physical distribution。 The appearance of it makes many consumers’ dream come true so that they can shop online and pay money online。 Through the network, e-commerce saves time and space of customers and enterprise, greatly improving the trade efficiency, especially for busy office workers。 In the 21st century of persified consumer information, customers can understand local market commodity information and then enjoy the shopping through the housebound network channels, shopping online has become a consumers’ habit。

2。2 The origin of e-commerce

The large scale of Internet facilities stimulated the development of e-commerce, and the construction and competition of the Internet infrastructure attracted more and more people to surf the Internet。 An international forum about e-commerce in 1994 introduced its concept to the world, which began the theoretical thinking。 From 1998 to 2001, web companies represented by portals began to appear, and in 1999, Sohu opened up news and content channels, laying the groundwork for a comprehensive portal。 Under the background of netizens team keeps expanding, portal provides a new way of business operations and revenue channel which contains the unlimited space for development。 Therefore, it attracts venture capital investment。 Between 2001 and 2002, more than 75 percent of the country’s first-generation e-commerce models were withdrawn from the market。 Through the baptism of the dot-com bubble burst, people had a deeper understanding about the Internet and electronic commerce from venture capital market into real market entities, some of the more successful and profitable leaders began to appear in the field of electronic commerce。 The growth of e-commerce has made many achievements。 Broadband access has replaced phone dial-up Internet access, persified business applications and the rise of online merchants。 From 2010 to 2012, electronic commerce began to develop rapidly in China, with the mobile Internet, e-commerce presents a new look in the form of network video, social networking, online shopping and from blogs to the popularity of microblogging application。 The electronic commerce of large enterprise begins to release from online information, purchase, sales and other basic application up between downstream enterprise web design, manufacture, project management, and other comprehensive coordinated directions。 In 2012, the number of mobile Internet users in China, the level of application, the popularity of the terminal and the size of the market all showed rapid growth。

The e-commerce in China has experienced four stages: exploration, embryonic, growth and popularization。 In the new century, along with the evolution of the mobile Internet, cloud computing, Internet of things, date format and the business internationalization, five new trends emerge in Chinese e-commerce。 They are Mobilization, cloud e-commerce, grand platform of network marketing, and integration and intelligence。

2。3 The combination of e-commerce and tourism文献综述

When tourism began to emerge, domestic tourism is on a smaller scale。 The travel demand of consumers is very few and unitary, and the consumers’ independent consciousness is not high。 The traditional tourism can freely deal with consumer demand for this part。 However, with expanding the tourist market, tourism scale expansion, and consumer demand increasingly persified and personalized features, the satisfaction degree of the traditional tourism greatly reduced, they are looking forwarding to finding a new travel consultation that can provide travel service pattern。

















