The rapid development of modern economy, science and technology brings the enterprises all over the world infinite commerce chances and wide developing space, makes the international business interactions become more frequent than ever before。 International business negotiation is an economic activity by using language essentially。 It is indispensable to employ proper pragmatic strategies for gaining advantages over the other。 Whether the business succeeds or not largely depends on the participants' use of language。 Undoubtedly, it cannot succeed without a strategic use of language。 The language expressions of international businessmen should change correspondingly with the situations and businessmen should adopt different pragmatic strategies in the light of contextual variables。 In international business negotiation, it is no doubt, successful pragmatic strategies have a positive effect and the flexible and practiced application of pragmatic strategies can help to realize the expected work goals。(Shao 33)论文网

On the other hand, language is culture's product which has profound cultural connotation, serve and reflect the need of culture。 When communicating with different person in some situation, how to express the thought has tight relation with the culture backgrounds。 (Zhang 7)As Leech said that pragmatic principles are common in general, but their significance is perse due to the dissimilarity of cultures。 So, only using correct English in grammar is not adequate for communicating with foreign businessmen and can not help establishing good trade relationship。 In the cross-culture communication of different countries, the culture misunderstandings always result in friction, and even engender communication failure。 Thus it is necessary for us to find out the cultural causes that affect the utilizing of various pragmatic strategies in order to avoid culture impact and realize cross-culture communication smoothly。 In this case, we should not only carry out the research on pragmatics strategies but also their cultural causes in international business negotiation。

2Literature Review

2。1Types of Pragmatic Strategies

2。1。1Cooperation strategy

The cooperative principle was first proposed by the famous American linguist Grice at the Harvard University to make a logic and conversation speech。 He believes that in the process of communication, the two sides consciously or unconsciously follow a certain principle that cooperating with each other and understanding each other to complete the communication task effectively。(Lv 2) At the same time Grice(1967) proposed Conversational Cooperative principle which concludes the four maxims(Grice 45): The maxim of quantity, the amount of information provided by the speaker do not exceed the range of required; The maxim of quality, don’t say anything false and don’t lie, don’t say the words which lacks evidence。 The maxim of relevance, make the words be associated with the subject; The maxim of manner, to avoid ambiguity and make the words be brief and orderly。 Similarly, in the process of business English negotiations, the two sides should know the spirit of mutual cooperation and common principles of cooperation and communication。

2。1。2Politeness strategy

Leech(1983), a famous British linguist, put forward the politeness principle, which is one of the most important achievements in the study of pragmatics, and it reflects the assumption or interpretation of the communicative reality of communication(Leech 79)。 Leech believes that in language communicationpeople consciously or unconsciously comply with certain principles of the language, and they should maximize the expression of polite beliefs and minimize the expression of impolite beliefs between the speaker and the hearer。 Politeness principle points that the speaker should reduce the expression of bad faith or try to express polite faith in the conversation。 Leech believed that the politeness principle contained 6 criteria, namely:

















