Since 1970s, Chinese Translation Scholars pay more attention to the cultural perspective of translation studies, translation is not only a language activity, but also a cross-cultural communication. Translation is not only the transfer between two languages, but a purposeful cross-cultural communication behavior (Nord, 2001:18). Many translators fail because of the lack of understanding of the core cultural elements of the two languages, such as world outlook, values, ideology and so on. "Pragmatic or cultural failure will not only lead to misunderstanding, but also to the other party will be attributed to a quality and personality, the mistake as an offense" (Jia Yuxin, 1997:94). Therefore, the translators must from the perspective of intercultural communication, guarantee  that

the translation will not cause cultural conflict.

1.3 Structure of Thesis

This paper consists of four chapters: (1) Introduction; (2) A brief introduction to Skopos Theory; (3) Analysis on translation strategies in words with Chinese Characteristics in light of Skopos Theory; (4) Conclusion. Chapter 1 is a brief introduction to this paper, including the background and the significance of the research, and the structure of this paper. Chapter 2 makes a general introduction to the Skopos Theory, which consists of the key concepts of Skopos Theory, the translation brief of Skopos Theory, three rules of Skopos Theory. In Chapter 3, the author gives an analysis on translation strategies in words with Chinese characteristics in light of Skopos Theory, which consists of the functions of the words with Chinese characteristics, the translation brief of translating, and strategies of words with Chinese characteristics such as free translation, literal translation and annotation. The last chapter serves as the conclusion of this research, which points out the limitation of the present study and presents some suggestions for future studies.

Ⅱ. Skopos Theory

With the rapid development of contemporary western translation theories, various translation theories have emerged in an endless stream, providing a new perspective for translation study. From the middle of the twentieth Century, the western translation theory has already made a great breakthrough. From the hermeneutics, deconstruction, post colonialism, feminism, discourse right, reception aesthetics, readers' response theory, theorist begin to explain the translation phenomena. After that, there are the manipulation, poly system and functionalist and many other factions. Among them, the basic theory of functionalist translation theory is the Skopos Theory .

Skopos Theory is a relatively new model on translation theory, developed by the German translator Han Vermeer. This theory basically belongs to the external study on translation, and it will focus on a variety of choices in the process of translation purpose, so it can make up for the traditional in Translation studies, and multidisciplinary translation exploration provides a new research perspective.

2.1 Key Concepts of Skopos Theory

Skopos theory, guided by the theory of human behavior, puts translation into the category of human behavior theory. Skopos theory holds that translation is a kind of cross-cultural communication with the purpose and intention of the translator. Translation is a kind of intentional interaction. The intention is to change the present situation, at least to make the people who are unable to communicate because of the language barrier communicate; Secondly, it refers to the intention of communication in a more strict sense, such as providing the  recipient with the content of the original language.

2.2 Translation Brief of Skopos Theory

"Skopos Theory" no longer regards "faithfulness" as the primary criterion of translation. As the skopos theory is used to judge whether the translation is successful or not, and the intended purpose reflects the requirements of the target reader, and the reader's requirements are different, Skopos theory advocates the persity of translation criteria.


















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