    Abstract With the wave of domestic retro brands, China’s domestic cosmetics came across a new opportunity. A series of brands are ready to rush into the market by brand revitalization. The essay was aimed at analyzed previous study on brand revitalization, and offered some practical strategies for the China’s domestic cosmetic brands. At present,brand revitalization has been pided into two schools. The first one is the customer-based brand equity model, while the other one is the customers’ nostalgia. This essay was set up on the two theories. According to the integrated analysis, the paper used the case study of Pechoin, and tried to summarize the successful revitalization strategies to offer the other brands some guidance.26662
    In this process, the article concluded four strategies applied on the CBBE model, and they are product segmentations, repositioning the brand, new package design, as well as new advertising and promoting. Besides, the thesis also offered two findings based on the consumers’ nostalgia, and they are reservation of retro products and the special attention paid on the women psychology.  Through these, the essay could prove that CBBE model is suitable for the brand revitalization in cosmetic industry. Also, women psychology should be emphasized when dealing with the case in cosmetic industry by consumers’ nostalgia.
    Key Words:     brand revitalization      case study     Pechoin
     摘  要随着国产复古品牌浪潮的再度袭来,本土化妆品行业出现发展的新机遇。一部分国产化妆品品牌正在蓄势待发,准备进行品牌激活。本文将以此为契机,旨在综合分析当前品牌激活策略,并给予国产化妆品复兴一定的策略指导。当前品牌激活学说大致分为两类,一是基于消费者的品牌资产模型,另一种是利用消费者复古心理进行品牌激活。本文将立足于这两种理论,通过整合分析,同时以百雀羚的品牌激活作为案例分析,总结其较为成功的激活策略,给予后续激活品牌一定的战略引导。
    毕业论文关键词:     品牌激活策略     案例分析     百雀羚
    Abstract    i
    摘  要    ii
    Contents    iii
    Chapter 1 Introduction    1
    1.1 Literature Review    2
    1.2 Thesis Structure    5
    Chpater 2 Pechoin’s Application of Brand Revitalization Strategies    6
    2.1 The Brief Introduction of CBBE Model    6
    2.2 Pechoin’s Application of CBBE’s Model    7
    2.3 The Brief Introduction of Consumers’ Nostalgia    11
    2.4 Pechoin’s Application of Consumer’s Nostalgia and Women Psychology    13
    2.5 The Success of Pechoin    14
    Chpater 3 Conclusion    16
    References    18
    An Analysis on the Brand Revitalization of China’s Domestic Cosmetic Brands—A Case Study of Pechoin

    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Seeing the booming prosperity of cosmetic sector, especially in China, among Chinese ladies, various cosmetic enterprises rushed into the sector, and quickly, the big cake has been already carved up by several international leading corporations, leaving little space for China’s cosmetic companies. However, China’s cosmetics with profound brand history, juicy brand stories, as well as the powerful sense of identity of the brands in the past, are sailing back to the market along with the wave of retro style. In this way, how to stimulate the brand value from the old brands and revitalize the brand at the same time is what we need to focus on. Although, some of China’s domestic cosmetic brands have tried hard to make some change, owing to various causes, they have reached limited progress. The truth is that, in the revitalization wave, domestic products tried to act like the foreign ones, and made themselves become copycats. In this way, many traditional cosmetic brands have lost many loyal clients mainly because of the arbitrary price increases. On the other hand, foreign products are seizing great amount of money from China by applying traditional Chinese elements into their cosmetic products. What’s going on in the revitalization process of Chinese cosmetic brands? What’s wrong with our previous brand revitalization tactics? In my opinion, despite of the consumer’s prejudice of China’s domestic cosmetic brands—cheap, old-fashioned, without any skin-repairing functions, I believe that the key reason why China’s domestic cosmetic brands have lost the market is up to their strategies. Therefore the author of this thesis will conduct a case study on Pechoin in hoping to shed some light on the brand revitalization of China’s domestic cosmetic brands.
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