    摘要NBA美国职业篮球联盟,全称为National Basketball Association。是目前全世界最为成熟,水平最高,影响力最大的篮球职业联赛。对于NBA的新闻报道的分析,能够更好地帮助读者了解该类报道的特点,具有十分重要的研究意义。本研究主要采用语料库的方法,从语篇分析的角度对NBA的新闻报道进行量化的研究。本文选取来自以上提及的媒体的关于NBA的新闻报道,自建小型语料库,即NBA新闻报道语料库,收录了121篇,约10,000字的洛杉矶快船队在2015赛季的相关报道,对语篇进行词汇和衔接层面上进行分析,试图总结该类报道的特点。27147
    关键字  NBA新闻  语篇分析  语料库  衔接
    Title    A Corpus-based Discourse Analysis of NBA News Report   
    NBA (National Basketball Association) is the world's most mature basketball league with the highest competitive level and the largest influence around the world. The analysis of NBA news reports can better help readers understand the features of such reports, which has a huge research significance. This study uses the self-built corpus as the study approach, and quantify the study from the perspective of discourse analysis. This paper selected NBA news report from the media mentioned above to build a small-scale corpus, namely NBA news Corpus, with the collection of 121 news reports, about 10,000 words about the Los Angeles Clippers in the 2015 season.The paper tries to analyze the NBA news report from the perspective of discourse and cohesion, and manages to summarize the features of such reports.
    Keywords  NBA news  discourse analysis  corpus  cohesion
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction 6
    2 Literature review 8
    2.1 The development of discourse analysis 8
    2.2 Corpus-based linguistics study   8
    3 Data Analysis   10
    3.1 Overall Statistics   10
    3.2 Cohesion analysis  13
      Conclusion 16
    References 18
    1. Introduction
      The paper consists of four chapters.The first chapter briefly reviews the previous method of discourse analysis and related research, and introduces the corpus-based method to develop discourse analysis and describes this method in detail.The second chapter specific analyzes the corpus,and finds some unique features of the NBA news report.The third chapter deals with the cohesion method adopted in these reports .In the final conclusion,the paper summarizes the main findings, and also it involves several limitations and some further directions of this research.
      The purpose of this paper is to introduce a relatively new discourse analysis method  based on the corpus linguistics. With the advanced corpus processing tools, real language data, strict design standards and unique analysis mode,corpus research shows a better performance than the traditional method.Using a computer corpus to extract and analyze language materials , the researchers can avoid subjectivity and one-sidedness.The introduction is mainly dealing with the theories and methods related to the paper and will cover both the latest achievements and the limitations about the concerning researches.            
    2 Literature review
    2.1 The development of discourse analysis
      The progress of discourse analysis has changed people’s concept of linguistic. Discourse analysis has become a linguistic subject covering the research from the basic analysis of written and spoken language material to the semantic cohesion.The term “Discourse analysis” was first put up by Zellig Harris in the year of 1952 in his book Language. (Harris, 1952). In 1970s, discourse analysis was accepted as a effective approach to the study of linguistics especially to applied linguistics. About the concept meaning of discourse analysis, this paper acknowledges that discourse analysis refers to not only one specific analyze approach, contains not only one or a group of theory. (Huang, 2002). However, some theories still emerged during the development of discourse analysis. American famous discourse analysis scholar Schiffrin introduced 6 discourse analysis approach in his book Approach to Discourse. (Schiffrin, 1994 ). which are speech act theory, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, pragmatics, conversation analysis,variation analysis.
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