    Abstract When we discuss the long history of Chinese literature, Song Ci is an essential part beyond compare. Li Qingzhao is widely regarded as the most remarkable poetess in the Song Dynasty. The research on her Ci-poems is a significant part of Chinese literature studies. There have been lots of translated versions of her Ci-poems both at home and aboard. It is worthwhile to note that there are a great number of natural images in Li Qingzhao’ s Ci-poems. Different translators have different versions.27181
    This thesis mainly chooses two English versions of her Ci-poems translated by Xu Yuanchong, Rexroth Kenneth and Chung Ling, aiming to find the intertextual relationship between the original texts and English versions. Then, this thesis discusses the intertextual features of the natural images. According to the discussion, it is found that Xu Yuanchong translated the natural images into the target signals so that English readers can understand the text better. Nevertheless, Rexroth Kenneth and Chung Ling translated the natural images into original signals with some explanations of Chinese culture. At last, the conclusion is that translate with target intertextual signals are beneficial to the translation of natural images in Chinese Ci-poems because this method can help readers understand what does Li Qingzhao want to express better and inspire them to know more about Chinese culture. So it’s necessary and feasible to use intertextual theory in the translation of Chinese poems and Ci-poems.  
    Key Words : Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poems;     natural images;     intertextuality; translation
    毕业论文关键词:李清照词;   自然意象;   互文性;   翻译
    Abstract    ⅰ
    摘   要    ⅱ
    Chapter 1 Introduction    1
        1.1 Background Information.1
        1.2 Research Significance.2
    Chapter 2 Literature Review3
    2.1 Review on the Studies of English Versions of Li Qingzhao's works3
    2.2 Review on the Existing Studies of Translations of Natural Images4
    Chapter 3 The Theoretical Framework .5
        3.1 An introduction of Intertextuality5
        3.2 Intertextuality and Translation5
    Chapter 4 Findings and Discussion  7
        4.1Natural Images as Intertextual Signals in Li' s Ci-poems7
        4.2 Comparing Translation of Natural Images in the Two English Versions.9
            4.2.1 Plant Images.9
            4.2.2 Animal Images.11
    Chapter 5 Conclusion.13
    On English Translations of Natural Images in
    Li Qingzhao’ s Ci-poems
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