
毕业论文关键词: 女性zhuyi;诗歌;布朗宁夫人

Abstract Mrs。 Browning was a great British Female poet in the 19th century。 Her works were the best expression of traditional Victorian woman’s emotions。 The Feminism in her poetry played an important role in the Feminism movement。 And she shouldered the responsibility of establishing the traditions of Female poetry, and guided people to shake off the secular shackles of gender discrimination, racialism and narrow-minded nationalism, so as to help people gain the true emancipation。 This paper, by means of text-analysis method, through absorbing the research achievements of predecessors, is devoted to generalizing the main works of Mrs。 Browning, and analyzing the Feminism characteristics in them。 It can help the readers more fully interpret Mrs。 Browning’ s works, especially taking the Feminism in Runaway Slave at Pilgrim Poiny as an example。 This paper reveals the Feminism profoundly in Mrs。 Browning poetry its influences and in order to help the readers better understand the works of Mrs。 Browning comprehensively。

Key words: Feminism; Poetry; Mrs。 Browning


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Mrs。 Browning and Her Works 2

2。1 The Life of Mrs。 Browning 2

2。2 Three Phases of Mrs。 Browning’ s Poetry 3

III。 Mrs。 Browning’ s Feminism in Her Poetry 4

3。1 Feminism in Her Outlook on Love 5

3。2 Feminism in Her Humanistic Thoughts 7

VI。 Feminism in The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim Poiny 9

4。1 The Attention to Women’s Living Status 9

4。2 The Query about Women’s Traditional Role 10

4。3 The Complaint Against Female Slavery 12

V。 Conclusion 12

Bibliography 14

Acknowledgements 15

Analysis on Features of Feminism in Mrs。 Browning’ s Poetry

I。 Introduction

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, also called Mrs。 Browning, is one of the most respected poets in the Victorian era。 She was born on March 6, 1806。 At the age of fifteen, she fell from a horse unfortunately and damaged her spine。 From then on, she suffered from paralysis of the lower part of the body for 24 years。 When she was 39 years old, she met the poet Robert Browning who was six years younger than her, from when her misery life opened a new chapter。 Her work got involved in a wide range of issues and ideas, which exerted great influences on Emily Dickinson, Allen Poe, etc。 This paper mainly discusses the Feminism factors in Mrs Browning’ s poetry, which has always been the study for the scholars at home and abroad。

















