    Acknowledgments  It is a truth universally acknowledged that a passable thesis must be in want of a lot of helping hands. From the very first moment when i wanted to focus on this topic, i received so much help from everywhere.28253
    First of all, I’d like to thank my dear tutor, Mrs. Zhang Xiaoli, for giving me so many valuable advice and suggestions in my thesis writing and revision. Under her careful and patient guidance, I finished my present thesis. Her responsible and diligent manner in academic research and teaching has inspired me in an all-round ways.
    Next I would thank the teachers that led me into the wonderland of literature with their courses of rabbit holes that revealed the beauty of literature adventures. Especially, I would like to thank Prof. Cheng Qinghua, who gives me a lot of useful information.
    I also would thank my classmates and roommates for their encouragement and wise advice.
    Last but not least, I want to thank the most important person in my life, who brought me into the world. It is my parents that encourage my spirits and warm my soul when I face frustration and difficulties. Without them, this thesis would never have been presented before the world.
    Maugham is a controversial author in British literary history. His status in literature would never catch up with the first rater, but that does not weaken his popularity all over the world. Among Maugham’s works, long novel is an area less discussed than his plays and short stories. In the list of his several long novels, The Moon and Sixpence would not stand on the top either in chronological order or in terms of significance. The character of The Moon and Sixpence, Strickland, gives up his family and leaves his hometown to pursue his painting dream without caring other people’s criticism. The Moon means the dream while sixpence means reality.
    Nowadays, almost all of us yield to reality and lose ourselves. The Moon and Sixpence shows us a freedom soul and a never fettered mind by Strickland’s extreme personality. In the thesis, the mentality of Strickland will be analyzed. The aim of the thesis is to tell people to follow their heart and pursue their dreams and be themselves.
    The paper falls into five parts. The first part is introduction. The second part describes the mentality of Strickland. The third part aims to analyze the devices of exemplifying Strickland’s mentality as an Artist. The forth part analyzes the influence of Strickland’s mentality. The last part is conclusion.
    Key Words: mentality, dream, self-realization, value
    毕业论文关键词:精神内涵,梦想, 自我实现,价值
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