
    3. The application of intertextuality in appreciating films
      Usually the generalized intertextuality is used to study the adapted movies because it pays attention to the deep construction in literature. intertextuality in criticizing adapted movies helps us to understand original work and compare the difference between different adaptations. And the movie adaptation based on literary works becomes more attractive and appealing. The adaptation in fact is a kind of modern consumption which panders to the lowest common denominator. But we have to recognize that the adaptation is by no means a mere duplication, but a new creation with its own thoughts and views. Every adaptation has its own creation which comes from the contemporary social and cultural background. So each adaptation will reflect a specific sense of worth, aesthetic standard and mainstream thoughts in a certain era. While the theory of intertextuality can help people understand the film and TV adaptations of the time.
      In a word, the intertextuality in adapted movies refers to the relation between different adaptations and their relation with the original work. Although different adaptations have relation with each other, they have their own differences. For example, each adaptation has its creative specific scenes and plots based on original works. And the actors’ performance shows the particular personality of the characters. So they can help us to break through the settled impression of characters in original texts and to understand them more comprehensive. Every version has different angle to interpret the content and meaning based on original works. Such as the famous story, Journey to the West, we can see different versions of films and TV dramas, each of which is different from each other. Whenever we see a new vision, our original view is lashed by this new one. Then it enriches our deconstruction of the original works.
  1. 上一篇:中西方广告中体现的文化差异集体主题和个人主义
  2. 下一篇:拉什迪的《羞耻》以小民族文学的“生成女人”
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