    Abstract F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the representative of the Jazz Age, he occupies an important place in American literary world. His masterpiece The Great Gatsby is the classics of Christianity and also an important literature masterpiece in the world, Fitzgerald combines literature with the realistic life by using biblical archetypes that makes his novel surpass the limitation of space and time and eternal significance. According to the studies about The Great Gatsby abroad and at home, the author finds that many scholars focuses on the perspectives of structuralism, symbolism to analysis this novel.

    The author’s thesis, taking the archetypal criticism and The Bible as the theoretical basis, attempts to perform sufficient analysis on the mythological archetypal in the work about the characters to reveal the novel’s theme.
    The thesis consists of four chapters as following, chapter one gives a introduction of this essay. chapter two gives the brief review of Fitzgerald’s background and his masterpiece The Great Gatsby, and introduces the theme of the work—— the disillusionment of the American Dream. Chapter three discusses the archetypes analysis of the main characters. Chapter four analyzes the archetypes of the symbols and theme. Chapter five concludes the whole thesis.
    Key Words: myth, Bible, archetypal criticism


    Acknowledgements….     i
    Abstract…     ii
    摘要…     iii
    1 Introduction……     1
    2 Fitzgerald’s Background and The Great Gatsby.   3
    2.1 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Background…     3
    2.2 The general introduction of The Great Gatsby….     4
    3 The Archetypal Analysis of the Main Characters .      6
    3.1 A Critical Perspective on Archetypal Criticism.….     6
    3.2 Adam and Jesus Christ: the Archetypes of Gatsby……     7
    3.3 Eve: the Archetype of Daisy…. 9
    3.4 Serpent: the Archetype of Tom….… 12
    4 The Archetypal Analysis of the Symbols and the Theme.     14
    4.1 The Valley of Ashes…    14
    4.2 Light and Color….    15
    4.3 Water and Garden.……    17
    4.4 The Theme ----the Falling of the Garden of Eden….    27

    5 Conclusion…….    20

    Bibliography….….…    21

    1 Introduction
    F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest stylists in American literature. Known as the “Prince of the Jazz Age”, he is a typical figure of his time. His ability to depict American society has been highly appreciated. Some critics regard him as the pioneer in the history of American modern literature, together with his contemporaries are Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner.
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