    摘 要中国有着得天独厚的旅游资源,旅游业已经成为中国经济发展的支柱性产业。然而,中国旅游景点的汉译英还存在着诸多问题,例如,拼写错误,一地多名,词不达意,拼写错误,文化缺省等。为了解决这些景点名称的翻译问题,必须重新规范统一景点的英译名称。由于译者的文化知识,语言能力和翻译水平的欠缺以及旅游管理部门的疏忽,我国的一些旅游景点名称过程中存在翻译错误和混乱。本文主要探讨旅游景点名称翻译的意义并以江苏省旅游景点的名称翻译为例,指出并分析这些景点名称翻译中存在的问题,探讨旅游翻译中景点名称的翻译原则与方法以期提高旅游景点名称的翻译质量并促进中国旅游业尤其是国际旅游业的发展。29574
     Abstract China is so abundant in famous tourist resources that tourism has become the mainstay of the China’s economy. However there exist numerous problems with English translations of the names of scenic attractions,such as wrong or obsolete spellings,a place with several English names,inaccurate semantic expressions, cultural misinformation, and so on. Hence, it is advocated that names of tourist attractions should be standardized. Meanwhile, the inadequacy of cultural knowledge, language competence and translation ability on the part of translator is responsible for the confusion and mistranslation of the names of scenic spots and attractions in China. This paper discusses the significance of the translation of the names of scenic spots and the principles of C-E translation of the names of scenic attractions in Jiangsu Province and analysizes the causes of mistranslations. It will also look into the specific C-E translation approaches of the names of scenic attractions to improve the quality of translating names of scenic spots, and promote the development of China’s tourism, especially the development of the international tourism.
    Key words: names of scenic spots; problems in translation; approaches of translation
    A Brief Analysis of the C-E Translation of the Names of Scenic Spots
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Introdution    1
    II. The Characteristics and Functions of the Names of Scenic Spots....2
    2.1 The Characteristics of the Names of Scenic Spots    2
    2.2 The Functions of the Names of Scenic Spots    3
    III. Problems in the C-E Translation of the Names of Scenic Spots    3
    3.1 A Place with Several English Names    4
    3.2 Spelling Errors and Omissions    4
    3.2.1 Case-insensitive    5
    3.2.2 Spelling Errors    5
    3.2.3 Spelling Omissions    5
    3.3 Cultural Misinformation    5
    3.4 Inaccurate Semantic Expression    6
    IV.The Methods and Skills of the C-E Translation of the Names of Scenic Spots    6
    4.1 Transliteration    7
    4.2 Literal Translation    8
    4.3 Free Translation    8
    4.4 Transliteration Plus Free Translation    9
    4.5 Transliteration Plus Explanation    10
    V.Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    I. Introduction
    With the increasing of China’s international status and the improvement of China’s international image, China’s tourism will face unprecedented opportunities. According to the forecast of World Tourism Organization (WTO), Chinese profound history and splendid culture are attractive for foreign visitors, and China will attract more than 1.4 billion visitors until 2020, which will make China become the biggest tourism country over the World. Tourism is not only the pillar industry which can promote the development of the national economy, but also the significant position of developing socialist spiritual civilization. Meanwhile, tourism is the important window to introduce China’s image.
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