    摘 要随着中外文化交流越来越频繁,许多人渴望了解外面的世界。如今,大量的年轻人喜欢观看美剧,他们认为这是一种时尚同时也能够更好的了解外国文化。这其中,《老友记》毫无疑问是最受欢迎的,它讲述的是优尔个生活在纽约的朋友之间所发生的日常生活趣事。本文是在奈达的功能对等理论框架下对《老友记》的字幕翻译进行评析,通过使用增译、减译、直译和归化的翻译方法来使普通大众能够理解和欣赏原本的故事情节和语言韵,同时也能够使他们有着与本土观众相类似的反应。论文将具体分析字幕翻译的特性和限制因素,选取典型例子来分析是否达到功能对等以及如何达到功能对等。并由此得出结论,奈达的功能对等理论可以为字幕翻译提供一种新的方法和思路,解决表意不充分的问题,从而更好地指导字幕翻译。29576
    Abstract Owing to the cross-cultural communication between China and many other countries become more and more frequent, plenty of people are eager to knowing about the outside world. Nowadays, numerous young people like to watch American TV series, which is fashionable and a good way of understanding the foreign culture. Among the series, Friends is undoubtedly the most popular one, which is about six friends who live in the New York City and many interesting stories in their everyday life. This paper will analyze the translation of subtitles in Friends within the framework of Eugene A. Nida’s functional-equivalence theory by using literal translation method, domestication method, reduction method, and amplification method. Which can make the target audience understand and appreciate the comedy’s original content and flavor, and as well as have the similar response compared to the audience in the source language. For instance, elaborating the features in details as well as the constraints of subtitling, selecting some typical subtitling as examples to explore whether it achieves functional equivalence and how it can achieve it. According to that, the functional-equivalence theory can provide a new approach and enlightenment to solve the problem of insufficient expressions, and give the subtitles translators an effectively instruction in subtitling translation.
    Key words: subtitles translation; functional equivalence; Friends
    On the Subtitles Translation of Friends within the Framework of Functional Equivalence
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Features and Constraints of the Subtitles Translation    2
     2.1 The Definition of Subtitles    2
     2.2 The Features of Subtitles Translation    3
     2.3 The Constraints of Subtitles Translation    4
    III. Friends and its Methods in Subtitling    5
     3.1 A Brief Introduction to Friends    5
     3.2 Methods in Subtitling    6
      3.2.1 The Literal Translation Method    6
      3.2.2 The Domestication Method    7
      3.2.3 The Reduction Method    8
      3.2.4 The Amplification Method    9
    IV. The Translation of Humors in Friends    10
     4.1 Metaphor    11
     4.2 Euphemism    12
     4.3 Irony    12
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction
    Eugene A. Nida is a famous American linguist and translator, and his translation theory was introduced to China in the 1980s, later, which had a profound impact on the translation of domestic industry. His particularly prominent contribution is functional-equivalence theory. In his view, the most important of which is the use of target language in a variety of ways to achieve the closest, natural ways to express the original purpose. Formerly, functional-equivalence theory is dynamic-equivalence theory, which translates thought of talking about the three stages of Nida from that stage of descriptive linguistics, communication theory and social semiotics stage, in which dynamic-translation theory is from the second stage. It refers to the focus on the original meaning of the translation of that understanding, instead of emphasizing the form of the original and the translation of the equivalence. Functional-equivalence theory is not only based on the theory of dynamic equivalence constantly perfected, but also is more scientific theory of translation(286). It is Eugene A. Nida proposed in the third phase of his translation of thoughts, in his book “From One Language to Another Language”, the functional-equivalence theory replaced the previously mentioned dynamic-equivalence theory, and makes its meaning clearer. Functional equivalence requires not only in the sense of the original and the translation on the other, and achieve as much as possible in the form of a equivalence. Nida put this on and so called: “closest natural equivalence”. This functional equivalence has three meanings: the closest, natural and reciprocity. Clearly, the fundamental task is to seek translation with the original equivalence. In fact, the core of Eugene A. Nida’s functional-equivalence theory, is to reach for functional-equivalence between two languages instead of the rigid translation word to word, which means the closest, natural equivalent. It focuses on readers’ responses, aiming at natural and coherent expression, trying to get the target audience understand and appreciate the transferred version the same as the original audience, and get a similar response compared to the audience in the source language. Functional-equivalence theory can provide a new approach and enlightenment to solve the problem of insufficient expressions, and give the subtitles translators an effectively instruction in their translation practice. However, functional equivalence is not always applicable in subtitles translation, in some cases, it is very difficult to achieve functional equivalence. As different target receptors and different original receptors differ in understanding and appreciating the show, the comparability between the response of the target receptors and that of the original receptors is limited. Therefore, functional equivalence theory has limitations in its application to subtitling. So, the most important thing in subtitles translation is that a translator should understand what the social and culture impact is on the original audience. At the same time, he has to acquaint himself with the emotions and the habits of the target audience so as to render a good subtitle.
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