    Abstract Rhetoric devices can date back to a long time ago. They are art of the language. Only people with skilled writing skills and comprehensive abilities can deal with rhetoric devices naturally. Although they bear some differences and similarities, they are indeed of the same function to polish up language.29614
    Fortress Besieged is a collection of rhetoric devices. Qian Chung-shu is expert at the rhetoric and easily creates more than a hundred characters. Its English version is completed together by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao in 1979. Since its publication, it has been well received by the public.
    This thesis is intended to study the translation of rhetoric devices based on the character description in Fortress Besieged. First, rhetoric devices are classified, such as, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification,and irony. Then detailed analysis is conducted based on character description. Finally, translation strategies are analyzed respectively. There is no absolute equivalence between source language and target language. The translators prefer foreignization and literal translation to domestication and free translation to introduce Chinese culture to western world. Though translation process is full of options, mutual comprehension between two languages and cultures must be achieved.
    Key words: translation     rhetoric devices     character description     Fortress Besieged
    摘 要修辞的发展有悠久的历史。修辞是语言的升华,对修辞的熟练使用展示了作者高超的文字水平以及综合能力。中西方的修辞各有异同,一些修辞打上了文化的烙印,一些修辞为不同人种所通感。但修辞的魅力殊途同归,即为语言增姿添色。
    《围城》就是一部修辞的集锦,融合了各种修辞手法。作者钱钟书对此也是驾轻就熟,轻而易举地塑造了一百多个角色。英译本由Jeanne Kelly和茅国权在1979年合作完成,自出版以来,便好评如潮。本文的目的是研究《围城》中人物描写中使用的修辞的翻译。首先将修辞手法分类,明喻,暗喻,夸张,拟人,反语等,然后借助文本中的人物描写进行具体分析,最后分别讨论文章中使用的翻译策略。通过分析得出以下结论:源语和译语间没有完全的对等。本文译者倾向于异化和直译,向西方世界传播了中国文化。虽然没有绝对的对等,但是理解语言和文化是首要前提。
    关键词:翻译     修辞手法     人物描写     围城
    Abstract    i
    摘 要    ii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Purpose of the Study    1
    1.2 Research Methodology    1
    1.3 Introduction to the Author and Fortress Besieged    2
    Chapter Two Literature Review    4
    2.1 Introduction to Rhetoric Devices    4
    2.2 Research on the Translation of Fortress Besieged    4
    Chapter Three Classification of Rhetoric Devices and Character Description    6
    3.1 Classification of Rhetoric Devices    6
    3.1.1 Simile    6
    3.1.2 Metaphor    7
    3.1.3 Hyperbole    8
    3.1.4 Personification    9
    3.1.5 Irony    9
    3.1.6 Mixture of Rhetoric Devices    10
    3.2 Classification of Character Description    10
    3.2.1 Appearance Description    11
    3.2.2 Speech Description    12
    3.2.3 Action Description    12
    3.2.4 Mental Description    12
    3.2.5 Appellation Description    13
    Chapter Four Translation of Rhetoric Devices in Character Description in Fortress Besieged    14
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