
    Since Korea establishes diplomatic relations with China in August, 1992, the relationship between China and Korea getting harder and harder leads to amount of exchanging in economy, culture and policy. The rise of beauty economics also dramatically promotes the developing of Korean brand cosmetic industry. University students, as a majority of consumers, have become a big part of consumer group purchasing Korean brand cosmetic, so that they should be taken considered particularly. Companies cannot make their targeted marketing strategy until they totally understand students’ consuming behavior. However, under such intense competing market circumstances, how to develop the market of Chinese students’ market, how to understand and satisfy their needs, how to prove better serve and product have been the main issues Korean company has to confront.
    University students are a special consumer group in social life, their education experience and campus lifestyles cause them to have special consumer behaviors and consumer psychology. There is not many research in consumer behavior buying Korean brand cosmetics, even less concerning about university students, the only few is just doing shallow parsing from the point of demography without considering consumer behavior and consumer psychology. Under this phenomenon, this research targets the students at Jiangsu Normal University as project, investigates reasons affecting students’ purchasing then analyses data received, last but not least, gives suggestions to Korean company about how to get used to Chinese market.
    1.2 Research Aim and Significance
    Aim and significance of this research paper will be discussed below.
    1.2.1 Research Aim
    Korean brand cosmetic industry is experiencing a rigid develop period, university students, as the main force of purchasing in China, deserve a special treat. Right now, most of university students are 1990’s, commonly, they have strong self-consciousness and asking for unique characteristic, so that there might be difference among any of them. Given this, this research targets the students at Jiangsu Normal University as project, investigate reasons affecting students’ purchasing then analyze data received using the knowledge of consumer behavior theory, obtain the result of what is affecting students’ purchasing of Korean brand cosmetic, finally, suggestions are given to those Korean brand cosmetic industries.
    The targets of this research can be concluded into three points:
    First: to come up with influencing factor of students’ purchasing Korean brand cosmetic.
    Second: to probe the difference between each inpidual.
    Third: to give advice to Korean companies as a reference entering Chinese market based on the result analyzed.
    1.2.2 Research Significance
    As the majority of Korean brand cosmetic consumers, university students have strong consumption abilities, which are a big component of Korean brand cosmetic consuming market. Valuable information can be obtained based on the deep investigate to those consumers’ action, in order to increases the impact of Korean brand cosmetic to the group of university students.
    1.3 Research Scope and Object
    Scope and object of this research paper will be discussed below.
    1.3.1 Research Scope
    The research area is ‘influencing factors of students’ purchasing Korean brand cosmetic’, namely the consumption behavior of university students.
    The research product is Korean brand cosmetics.

    1.3.2 Research Object
    The object of this research is university students, including junior and senior students. Considering time, funds and labor, in order to make sure the operability and viability, this research targets are the students at Jiangsu Normal University. As a well-known university in China, its students come from all over the country, so that it can stand for the overall characteristic of all university students. Behavioral trait of university students can be obtained from investigating object at Jiangsu Normal University.
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