    Abstract This paper takes China’s famous domestic brand Pechoin as the research target to illustrate its constant reshaping in recent years in Chinese cosmetics market which overflows with overseas brands. By analyzing its marketing status in China on the basis of the investigation and analysis combined with the feature of cosmetic products, mining Pechoin in the brand reshaping journey to re-position the target market, promote product innovation, and carry out integrated measures. It also suggests that it should develop brand story, kindle consumer’s interests, spread its advantages such as to establish the emotional connection between products and consumers, to promote the product image and to enhance its popularity. This article studies the famous domestic brand Pechoin’s achievements ant its future developments and put forward some proposals to increase the market share. This research intends to give some illumination to other domestic brands such as Dabao, Anan, Yumeijing, etc. 30878
    Key Words: Pechoin     Domestic Brand     Integrated Marketing Communication     Brand Reshaping
    摘  要随着中国经济发展方式的调整,如何继续实现经济的稳步增长是我国面临的一大问题。提升国产产品的知名度、提高国内市场份额、占领国际市场、提升利润空间是极为重要的一步。要提高国产产品的知名度,除了塑造全新品牌外,重新包装旧品牌、制定新的营销策略也不可忽视。在国内化妆品市场不断被国进知名品牌蚕食的今天,如何进行旧有品牌的重建更是迫在眉睫。
    毕业论文关键词:百雀羚     国货     整合营销     品牌重建
    Chapter 1 Introduction4
    1.1    Research background and significance 4
    1.1.1Brief introduction to Pechoin.4
      1.1.2 Research significance ..4
    1.2 Research Method .5
      1.2.1 Theoretical study.5
    1.2.2 Empirical study.5
    1.3 Research innovations.5
    1.4 Research content and framework...5
      1.4.1 Research content5
      1.4.2 Research framework6
    Chapter 2 Literature Review7
    2.1 Marketing strategy7
      2.1.1 Definition of marketing strategy.7
      2.1.2 Method of market strategy—four P’s marketing combination...7
    2.2 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy.......7
      2.2.1 Definition of Integrated Marketing Communication....7
    2.2.2 Marketing communications mix...8 Five major promotion tools of marketing communications mix.8  Four C’s of Marketing communications mix9
    Chapter 3 Marketing Strategy Analysis.11
    3.1 Application and effect of Four C’s.11
      3.1.1 Consumer11
    3.1.2 Cost.11
    3.1.3 Convenience.13
    3.1.4 Communication13
    3.2  Application and effect of marketing communications mix14
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