    Abstract    As market competitions get fierce day by day, many industries fall into the competition traps which result in development problems such as price wars, low profits and slow development. The dairy industry, for example, is now faced with survival difficulties, backward management and so on. Therefore, most of dairy enterprises are trying to figure out the most suitable development strategies.  30879
        VV Group, as a typical local dairy enterprise, has followed its three main strategies: building a famous brand, making strategic expansion and establishing a good image. In this research paper I choose VV group as the case and conduct a questionnaire survey together with an interview to make SWOT analysis of the development of VV group and find out that there are strengths as well as problems in VV ’s development. For example, defective rural markets, weak competitiveness, simplex product structures, low coverage of distribution channels, insufficient publicity and safety problems. To cope with these problems, some effective suggestions are put forward, which involves occupying rural markets, determining rational orientation, enriching product structure, increasing sales channels, improving insufficient promotion and strengthening safety control.
    Key words: competition     development strategies     SWOT
    摘  要 随着市场竞争日渐激烈, 许多行业落入竞争陷阱,进而导致发展问题, 如价格战, 利润低, 发展缓慢等。作为其中之一的乳制品行业也面临着生存困境,管理缺陷等挑战。因此,大多数的乳制品加工企业正努力寻找着最为适宜的发展策略。
    毕业论文关键词:竞争     发展策略     SWOT分析
    Abstract  I
    摘要  II
    Chapter One  Introduction  1
      1. 1 General statement1
        1. 1. 1 Current circumstances of dairy industry1
        1. 1. 2 Current development strategies of VV Group 2
      1. 2 Purpose and significance of the study 4
      1. 3 Structure of the thesis 5
    Chapter Two  Literature Review  6
      2. 1 The background and concept of development strategy 6
      2. 2 Previous studies on development strategy abroad and home6
        2. 2. 1 Previous studies abroad 6
        2. 2. 2 Previous studies at home 7
      2. 3 Summary of findings from prior literature8
    Chapter Three  Methodology10
      3. 1 Objective 10
      3. 2 Subjects10
      3. 3 Research tools 11
    Chapter Four  Results and Discussion13
      4. 1 Analysis of the results of questionnaires and interviews13
        4. 1. 1 Interviews 13
        4. 1. 2 Questionnaires13
        4. 1. 3 Competition of the dairy industry16
      4. 2 Summary of the results    17
        4. 2. 1 The strength of VV 17
        4. 2. 2 The weakness of VV 18
        4. 2. 3 The opportunity of VV19
        4. 2. 4 The threat of VV 19
      4. 3 Effective suggestions beneficial to VV ’s development 21
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