
    Comparison of Enterprise Cultures Between Chinesbstract At present, due to the fast pace of our work and life, fast food comes to us. In Chinese market, American fast food appears everywhere, such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’s, Pizza hut and so on. However, the well-known Chinese fast food can be counted on my fingers. By comparison, the main products, the prices, the environments of Chinese and American restaurants are different from each other. The differences are because of the different enterprise cultures. Enterprise culture, which, as a form of economic culture, reflects the features of management. In this thesis, we pay attention to cultural differences between Chinese and American fast food enterprises in some aspects, such as the main products, working process, decoration of the noshery and values of the enterprises. Then we can know the problems of Chinese fast food restaurants, for example, the poor service, and know the strengthens of Chinese fast food restaurants, for example, the typical products which are more suitable for Chinese.55266

    Key words: enterprise culture; fast food; comparison 

    摘 要目前,伴随着人们快节奏生活和工作,快餐充斥着我们的生活。在我国市场上,美国快餐随处可见,例如肯德基、麦当劳、必胜客等等。然而我国知名的,并走出国门的快餐企业却屈指可数。中美快餐在菜品种类、菜品价格、用餐环境等方面都存在差异,表象的差异归根于内在的企业文化的差异。快餐企业文化,作为一种经济文化,能够反应出中美在企业管理及文化上的差异。本文关注中美快餐在菜品种类、制作过程、餐厅布置、员工服饰和礼仪以及企业价值观的差异,从而了解我国的快餐企业自身存在的问题,如在服务方面的欠缺;了解我国快餐企业自身的优势,如菜品种类更符合中国人的饮食习惯,使我国快餐企业在全球化经济发展的今天更好地得到发展。 

    毕业论文关键词:企业文化; 快餐; 对比


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Definition of Enterprise Culture 2

    2.2 Function of Enterprise Culture. 2

    2.3 Theoretical Achievements of the Predecessors 4

    3. Comparison Between the Typical Examples. 5

    3.1 The Main Products in the Restaurants 5

    3.2 Working Processes..8

    3.3 Decoration of the Noshery.10

    3.4 Dresses and Manners of the Staff11

    3.5 Values of the Enterprises 12

    4. Interaction Between Chinese and American Fast Food 13

    4.1 Localizing American Fast Food 13

    4.2 Studying from American Fast Food 14

    5. Conclusion 14

    Works Cited 16

    1. Introduction

    With the development of economic globalization, the pace of people’s life has become faster and faster. In order to comply with this past pace of life, fast food restaurants are booming, and the food in these restaurants, which is namely fast food is accepted by people, especially the young. When dating back the history of fast food, people would find that the fast food in America has a longer history than the fast food in China. American fast food is an old man in the world market of fast food. Most western fast food comes from the USA. The modern fast food entered a high growth path in the 1950s. Assembly lines, standards of procedure, and strict rules in management were brought into the fast food industry in 1902. Despite of the advanced production technology and management concept, the scales of fast food industry were still small. When it comes to the topic that who drives the development of fast food, the public all believe that is the Macdonald’s. In 1987, the first Kentucky Fried Chicken was opened in Beijing, which marked the beginning of modern fast food in China. Then, Chinese fast food entered the initial stage. The world-famous reform and opening-up policy was put forward in 1978, after that, the economy in China has been developed rapidly and the living standard of the Chinese has been improved a lot. At the same time, the working lunch was sold in the free market instead of being provided by the enterprises and the public institutions. Therefore, the fast and convenient fast food became needed. If we walk outside, it will be easy for us to feel that famous American fast food restaurants can be found everywhere, however, the renowned Chinese fast food restaurants are much less. The phenomenon that I mentioned above is the true situation of Chinese fast food and American fast food in Chinese market. It should be pointed out that the differences between the two fast food restaurants come from different enterprise cultures.

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