摘 要性别分析自近代社会以来就是一个重要的课题。中美两国女性地位在面临着 社会不平等问题的同时,也都随着历史的进程发生了变化。本文旨在探究中美两 国女性地位变迁的对比。结果显示,相比于生活在当今发展中国家的女性,美国 女性更倾向于争取不同的个人权利。自 1950 年以来随着教育的发展和一系列法律 的出现,中国女性的地位已经得到了改善。但是她们与男性地位完全平等还未得 到保证。因此,女性地位一直在一种矛盾的方式中演变。基于对女性地位如何变 迁的研究,人们可以加深对女性地位的认识和提高社会对女性地位的重视。82435


Abstract In the modern times, gender analysis has become an important issue。 Women in China and the America are faced with various social problems, the women’s status has changed with the process of history。 This paper aims to explore the changes of the status of women by contrast between the two countries。 The results showed that compared to women who living in today’s developing countries, American women are more inclined to fight for the rights of different inpiduals。 Since 1950, with the development of education and a series of laws, the status of women has been improved in China。 Yet they have not been fully equal to the male status。 Thus, their situation has been evolving in an ambivalent manner。 Basing on the study of the transition of women’s status, people can deepen understanding of the status of women and the importance to improve the social status of women。

Key words: female; social status; change


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。Introduction 1

II。A Historical Retrospection of Gender Inequality 2

2。1Women and Gender Inequality 2

2。2Conceptualization of Women’s Status 4

III。Chinese Female Social Status’ Changing 6

3。1Women’s Social Status in Traditional China 6

3。2Women’s Social Status in Today’s China 8

IV。American Female Social Status’ Changing 9

4。1Women’s Social Status in Previous Society 9

4。2Women’s Social Status in Today’s America 11

V。Conclusion 13

Bibliography 15

Acknowledgments 16

A Comparative Study on Female Social Status’ Changing Between China and America


The status of women has been the great concern, by comparing the data and examples can be seen in the status of women has improved。

According to Human Development Report (2010) gave China ranks a gobal 38th in gender equality, just below the United States (37), far higher than that of Brazil (80) and becomes one of the four big countries in gender discrimination。 However, women’s jobs can be expressed as Pyramid: the closer to the top, the fewer women were found。 The Central Government recognized the gap in the civil service system since 2008。 It has been actively encouraged local governments to employ more women in leadership positions。 However, women are still discriminated in the workplace。

With the development of economic globalization and Chinese education develop rapidly。 People accepted education too fast, which lead to the ability of  higher than male。 The one-child policy was introduced in 1978 with the huge pressure of young families。 The female and his wife must care the elderly parents, but companies tend to male employees and unequal status of female。 Women have to care the family。

















