Women are like water to American history。 They have flowed through the terrain to the America, where long before the inhabitants conceived of themselves as a part of expanding United States。 They have been represented as scarce commodities in a region where masculinity and aridity have appeared, quite simply, as natural。 But just as the American could not have developed without water, the region flourished development could not have the women who lived there。

From the paleolithic period to the present, have made essential contributions to the homes, families and communities of western places。 They have gathered, grown, and processed the vegetables and animals to fed and clothed their families, have constructed and maintained dwellings, and have taken part in the rituals and creative activities that

nurture the connections of kinship, spirit, and trade。 Once you start looking for women’s history, in fact, it exists everywhere in the West。 When we examine petroglyphs and potsherds, fragments of archaeological remains at ancient pueblos in New Mexico, we might envision women at work: planting and hoeing corn, harvesting and grinding, cooking meals, storing, and communicating。 Now imagine the strip malls and superstores and fast-food franchises of Seattle, Sacramento, St。 Louis, or San Antonio。 Would such a landscape even be possible without wives and mothers piloting automobiles and wielding cell phones, strategizing and navigating their way through an American day? From the picture of Walmart or a Wendy’s, we can see why today’s American women gather the necessities of life in contemporary America of car-culture suburbs。论文网

Research with the method of classroom teaching and classroom discussions。 After classroom discussions, small groups can discuss in oral。 Each group also can share the achievement of discussions。 Discussed with the content on the status of women status。 The improvement of the women’s status and the importance of respecting women。 The concern of position women of can improve the of women status。

II。A Historical Retrospection of Gender Inequality

Inequality between men and women based on gender discrimination, and women’s status can be reflected in society。 Through struggling and fighting, the status of women has improved, and obtains the due rights and freedom。 But due to the gender inequality in grained in ideology, the situation is not optimistic。 Many researchers have their own point of view about the status of women and explain the status of women。

2。1Women and Gender Inequality

The term gender inequality refers to the differences between men and women only on their own gender, rather than in terms of technology, ability or other characteristics of the objective difference。 These inequalities may be obvious (for example, do not get equal pay for the same work) or subtle (for example, not to be given the same subjective文献综述

chance of progress)。 There are many answers of the question that why gender inequality exists。 For example, sex is in community the social structure and function which is the fixed character, the roles of male and female is tool to fill the role of performance。 Conflict theory, on the other hand, women are weak, the power is unequal social structure。 However, it is unequal that feminist theorists have these ideas。 One objection to the functionalist view, for example, is that it assumes the function of such social arrangements sex discrimination。 Feminist theorists and conflict theorists are different, because the latter believe that all inequalities from the same roots。

This seems from a feminist perspective to talk about gender  inequality between men and women in general。 Under the normal circumstances, feminism is  against gender stratification and the men at the the dominant status。 Feminist beliefs and consequent actions are designed to help society that bring justice, fair, just and equitable development of women and men to all people, regardless of gender and assistance。 Generally speaking, feminists trying to understand the nature of women in society, and social change brought by women, will liberate oppressed women, giving them parity of man。

















