    关键词  《麦田里的守望者》  功能对等理论  文化意象
    Title  Translation of Cultural Images in The Catcher in the Rye: from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory                    
    The Catcher in the Rye, the only novel written by J. D. Salinger, attracts much attention when it was published. This novel is one of the most influential novels in the history of American literature. The unique language type of the main character, Holden, makes this novel special. This paper will analyze the cultural images in the translation of The Catcher in the Rye based on functional equivalence theory. Nida's functional equivalence theory includes semantic equivalence, syntactic equivalence, stylistic equivalence and textual equivalence. It stresses on the similar responses from both the original and target readers. Functional equivalence theory is suitable for the study of the translation work of literature and also has the guiding effect to translation of the Catcher in the Rye. The paper will explore the principles in the translation of cultural images based on examples from Sun Zhongxu’s translation. The translation must ensure the understanding of target language readers and protect the original cultural image as well.
    Keywords  The Catcher in the Rye   functional equivalence  cultural images
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 The Catcher in the Rye and the Author Salinger    1
    1.2 Sun Zhongxu and His Translation    1
    1.3 Structure    2
    1.4 Methodology    2
    2 Literature Review    3
    2.1 Functional Equivalence Theory    3
    2.2 Previous Research on the Translation of Cultural Images    4
    3 Cultural Image Analysis Based on Functional Equivalence    5
    3.1 Semantic Equivalence    5
    3.2 Stylistic Equivalence    7
    Conclusion    9
    Acknowledgments    10
    References    11
    1 Introduction
    1.1 The Catcher in the Rye and the Author Salinger
      The author Salinger was born in a wealthy family in New York. He was never interested in learning. So he dropped out from Mcburney School after he went into this school 2 years ago because of the poor grade. In 1934, Salinger was sent to The Valley Forge Military Academy near Wynn of Pennsylvania, where he got his only diploma. The Valley Forge Military Academy was the prototype of the hero Holden’s school, Pencey Prep School. And in 1954, Salinger came out his first and only full-length novel, the Catcher in the Rye. The novel uses the tone of the protagonist Holden to tell a story about Holden’s experience and spiritual feelings when he hang out in the New York City for almost three days when he was expelled from school.
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