
    Abstract  According to the data by Xuyi Bureau of Statistics, Xuyi Crayfish, as a featuring industry, plays a vital role in increasing residents’ income and fueling economic development. Through real survey, this paper tends to find the specific answers to its success from the perspective of Brand Strategy. And, the research can be mainly concluded in two aspects. First, the necessities for Xuyi Crayfish to implement brand strategy. Second, measures taken to implement the strategy. The necessities rests in the following three points: it helps the industry to improve ways to produce and organize; it promotes industrial informatization; and, it adds competence to the products in both domestic and foreign market. Measures to implement the strategy can be concluded as the following: measures taken by the government; measures taken by enterprises; and, measures taken by trade associations. All these measures has made the “red storm” of Xuyi crayfish sweep across the country and even the world. In a word, this paper is meat to set Xuyi crayfish as an example in order to offer suggestions to agricultural products in their brand construction.42985

    Key Words: Brand Strategy     Necessities     Measures     Xuyi Crayfish                


    毕业论文关键词:品牌战略     必要性     措施     盱眙龙虾





    1 Introduction.....1

    1.1 Purposes and Significance of Research..1

    1.2 Contents and Methods of Research..2

    1.3 Research Framework2

    2 Literature Review..4

    2.1 Definition of Agricultural Brand4

    2.2 Theory on the Construction of Agricultural Brand..4

    2.3 Research on Brand Strategy From the Perspective of Regions and Counties....4

    3 The Necessities for Xuyi Crayfish to Implement Brand Strategy.6

    3.1 Benefits to Regional Economic Development...6

    3.2 Significance to the Improve Systems for Production and Management6

    3.3 Contributions to an Industrialized, Intensive and Standard Production.7

    3.4 Importance in the Acceleration of Information Constriction.....7

    3.5 Senses in Becoming International....7

    4 Measures to Implement the Brand Strategy of Xuyi Crayfish9

    4.1 Measures Taken by the Government9

    4.2 Measures Taken by Trade Association.10

    4.3 Measures Taken by Enterprises11

    5 Conclusion.....13 

    6 Reference Material....14

    7 Appendix.15

    Research on the Brand Strategy of Xuyi Crayfish

    1 Introduction

    1.1 Purposes and Significance of Research

      In order to create an international brand with Chinese characteristics under market economy, it is essential to offer theoretical support for the brand construction of agricultural products. This paper is designed to research on the ways to brand and innovate agricultural products. As an successful example, Xuyi crayfish is taken in this paper to explain how brand strategy works in marketing agricultural products. 

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