
    Abstract  With the grim situation of the current garments facing, FD Brothers, a company set up 5 years ago, set another example for us. Not one of the traditional clothing industry, it specializes in custom service and rentals to establish a brand for students in the colleges in Xuzhou. 42984

        At present, the garments market is trapped in the problem of high inventories and serious homogeneity. At the same time, the strong invasion of foreign brands into the domestic market takes a hit in the garment industry. As a rising clothing customization enterprise, FD Brothers can avoid the risk of high inventory faced by most of the garment enterprises. How do it succeed and what may be its potential threat. In order to offer other similar companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises an example for reference. The study focus on the marketing strategy and the current situation of the company, based on theories of marketing and the feedback of the public. The key elements, such as product, price, promotion, place are discussed in an academic and pragmatic way. Meanwhile, details like the strength, weakness, opportunities and risks are also analyzed. At last, some ideas or suggestions will be given. The study is different from the former essays because the comparison between the realistic data and the expectation or goals of the company is listed to show the results and effects directly. 

    Key words: custom service     marketing strategy     feedback



    毕业论文关键词: 服装定制     营销策略     顾客反馈





    Chapter One  Introduction1

      1.1 Research Questions..1

      1.2 Thesis Structure..2

      1.3 Literature Review..3

      1.4 Methodology ..4

    Chapter Two  Marketing Environment..5

      2.1 Microenvironment 6

    2.1.1 The Company.6

    2.1.2 Competitors.6

        2.1.3 Customers.6

      2.2 Macroenvironent.7  

    Chapter Three  Analysis on the Strategy8

      3.1 On the 4Ps .8   

      3.2 SWOT Analysis 10

    Chapter Four  Conclusion..13

      4.1 Results and Suggestions13

      4.2 Limitations and Further Study15


     Analysis on the Marketing Strategy of FD Brothers in Xuzhou’s Colleges

    Chapter One   Introduction

    The garments market is faced with the problem of high inventories and homogeneity. The strong invasion of foreign brands also puts great pressure on the  domestic garment industry. As a rising clothing customization enterprise, FD Brothers can avoid the risk of high inventory faced by most of the garment enterprises. Why it can succeed and what may be its potential threat. FD Brother had some effective trials and also made some mistakes, which is worth discussing to offer a reference for other similar companies. In order to make FD Brother stronger to make a way and meet the needs of the customers and market better, this thesis will research on the marketing strategy of FD Brother, a company offer customer service.

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