摘 要对修辞格的研究是修辞学研究中最为重要的部分之一。近几十年来,东西方不少的学者都投入了极大的精力在修辞格的研究上。目前,修辞格已经成为了一个在修辞学中占据重要地位的表达系统。本文主要通过举例子和对比的研究方法对中西方常用的修辞格:比喻、拟人以及夸张进行研究分析,从中我们发现中英文常用修辞格在很多方面都存在着很大的相似性,但是由于政治、经济、文化、地理环境以及思维方式等的差异,它们之间也有很大的不同。对比分析中英文常用修辞格,有利于我们更加深入的了解修辞格本身的一些特征以及它们彼此之间的相似性和差异,同时也有利于我们加强对中西方文化的了解,促进国与国之间的交流与合作。78856

毕业论文关键词:修辞格; 明喻; 暗喻; 拟人; 双关

Abstract The study of figures of speech is one of the most important parts of the study in rhetoric。 In recent decades, many scholars have devoted great effort on the study of figures of speech between east and west。 So far, figures of speech has became an expression system playing an important role in rhetoric。 In this paper, I concentrate on the comparison of some frequently used figures of speech like trope, personification and pun in English and Chinese through giving examples and making comparison。 Finally I found that there are many similarities of common figures of speech between English and Chinese, but there also are a lot of differences between them because of the differences in politics, economic, culture, geographical environment and ways of thinking。 The study of commonly used figures of speech between English and Chinese will be helpful for our further understanding in the characteristics of their similarities and differences about figures of speech, as well as to strengthen our understanding of Chinese and western culture, to promote exchange and cooperation between countries。

Key words: figures of speech; simile; metaphor; personification; pun

A Comparison of Some Frequently Used Figures of Speech in English and Chinese


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。Trope 2

2。1 A Brief Introduction of Trope 2

2。2 Simile in English and Chinese 3

2。2。1 The Similarities 3

2。2。2 The Differences 4

2。3 Metaphor in English and Chinese 5

III。 Personification 8

3。1 A Brief Introduction of Personification 8

3。2 The Classification of Personification 9

3。3 Differences of Personification Between English and Chinese 10

IV。 Pun 12

4。1 The Definition of the Pun 12

4。2 The Pun in English 12

4。3 The Pun in Chinese 13

4。4 Conclusion of Pun Between English and Chinese 14

V。 Conclusion 15

Bibliography 17

Acknowledgments 18

I。 Introduction

In western countries, the formal study of rhetoric began in Greece in the fifth Century B。 C。, and the most important representative figure was Aristotle。 Then through continuous research and development, until the second half of the 20th century, the rise of cognitive linguistics, which launched a variety of research on figures of speech, forming the rhetoric research situation of cognitive linguistics。 Rhetoric in China can trace back to Spring-Autumn and Warring States。 Confucius was the representative at that time。 The Confucian rhetoric plays an important role in the forming of Chinese rhetoric。 In China, the systematically research of figures of speech begun in twentieth Century。 In 1923, the publication of Tang Yue's “figures of speech”, formally proposed the rhetoric of the word, introducing the rhetoric theory in China’s speech。 In April 1932, “An Introduction to Rhetoric”, written by Chen Wangdao, making Chinese rhetoric became a scientific and systematic discipline。 In China and western where have a different language families, because of the influence by the different politics, economy, culture, customs and habits, and other factors, there is a great difference in the application of figures of speech。 This thesis focuses on the contrast in four kinds of rhetoric of simile, metaphor, personification and pun between English and Chinese to understand their differences and similarities。 This is not only conducive to our better understanding of Chinese and Western culture, but also to help us to master certain rhetorical skills, which will be helpful in our future reading and writing。论文网

















