摘 要英汉两种语言的思维方式不同,要想在汉译英时保持句子平衡就必须注重二者的差异,而这种差异主要表现在它们各自的语言结构和语序上。本文首先简要介绍了英汉语序以及翻译研究状况及成果,然后运用对比分析法对英汉语序特点进行分析比较,并提出了末端重量原则,变正装为倒装原则,灵活性原则的语序调整策略。结果证明这些语序调整策略能够有效克服汉译英中的语序差异问题,进而使句子结构达到平衡,有效实现翻译过程。78857


Abstract To keep the balance of sentences we must consider the existing differences between Chinese and English thinking which are largely represented by the structure and word order。 This paper firstly mainly introduces the research status of word order and translation, analyzes the word order differences by contrasting the two basic language systems next, and it then puts forward some principles of C-E translation: end wight, transference from natural order to inverted order and flexibility。 It proves that the word differences can be effectively overcome。 Therefore, the balance of sentences can be achieved by applying these strategies of adjustments, and the process of translation can be efficiently realized。 

Key words : balance; C-E translation; word order; comparative analysis; adjustment

The Balance of Sentences in Chinese-English Translation


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Word Order and Translation 2

2。1 The Definition of Word Order 2

2。2 The Relationship Between Word Order and Translation 2

Ⅲ。 Comparative Analysis of Word Order Between Chinese and  English 3

3。1 Top-Heavy Sentence Structure and Relatively Balanced Sentence Structure 3

3。2 Natural Word Order and Inverted Word Order 4

3。3 Fixed Word Order and Flexible Word Order 6

Ⅳ。 The Strategies of Balancing Sentences in Translation from Chinese to English 7

4。1 The Principle of End Weight 7

4。2 Transference from Natural Order to Inverted Order 9

4。3 The Principle of Flexibility 12

V。 Conclusion 13

Bibliography 14

Acknowledgments 15

I。 Introduction

    For decades, researches on the balance of sentences either in Chinese or in English have not ceased and even the development of this field has exerted great influence on translation theory as well。 Generally, the balance of sentences is not only reflected on the characteristics of languages themselves but also on their structures and word orders。 Word order, of course, is the sequence of the language and is the arrangement of linguistic units。 A group of sentences will generate different thematic meaning as a result of their own word orders, with different communicative value。 The comparison of word order between Chinese and English is still complex owing to the different ways of thinking of their own users。 As one of the important means of language composition, word order differences should never be overlooked but be given great attention。 Liu Miqing, Chen Ding’an, Zhang Yan and Chen Minghong, etc, are all excellent experts who have studied the two languages from micro-to-macro angles。 Liu Miqing comes up with PCRS (因果律), the ordering of sentence (Liu 47), while Zhang Yan, like other scholars, emphasizes on elements separated。论文网

















