
    Even once, just after Terry threaten the hostages not to escape or he will kill them, one of the hostages says to them, “Bye Joe. Bye, Terry.” And Terry also thinks it’s very great. The relationship between them and these hostages is very harmonious and friendly. They are just like old friends can talk any thing freely.

    Their life is very bore and don’t change at all, therefore, they expect someone to do something to change this situation. It is on this moment that Joe and Terry turn up. Bank robbers but never shot people, for citizens, they bring big news to their life. People who are involved in this event will be the topic during the following months. Life changes accordingly. Experience one night or a morning with those Sleep Over Bandits is so exciting. The two children kidnapped by Joe and Terry are one example. They tell the reporters that Joe and Terry are very nice.

    Therefore, people welcome them and are peaceful when meet them even willing to help them when police come. Robbing bank is as if so easy like Joe says to the host of Criminal at Large, “You walk in, you ask for the money, you walk out.”

    3.3 Way out
    To run away safe, Joe and Terry invite Harvey to handle things “before-front”. Every time they rob a bank, Harvey drives a car waiting outside the bank. When something happened, he can inform them in the bank so they can react flexibly. Every time, they stop their cars at different places from sea beaches to playground of colleges because there aren’t many people in the morning in these places when they just come out of the bank. This method really works out. People who lost their cars can find them back in the parking lot. They will not suspect that their cars are stolen by bandits and the police won’t think on that way, either.

    However, as they become famous, the relationship among Joe, Terry and Kate turns into an embarrassing situation. Harvey nearly throws all of them back into prison for his running after a beautiful girl when they are “working”. On the one hand, Kate falls in love with Joe and Terry but can’t choose one from them; on the other hand, neither of Joe and Terry wants to give up this relationship. This criminal group is facing breakdown and must find its way out.

    Joe and Terry have a dream which they discuss in the two students’ house that Joe wants to do little business in Mexico with Terry, as he says in the movie that, “We buy the hotel, turn it to a night club and resort, I could wear tuxedo, sell margaritas to the tourists. We could have some fun.”
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