
    The Minister’s Black Veil is one of the stories in Twice-Told Tales. Young minster Hooper who used to be respected, suddenly wears a piece of black veil on his face when he does mass for leisure on a Sunday morning. It causes strong reaction, his leisure try to persuade him to take off the black veil, for example, sending a deputation of the church. Even His fiancée Elizabeth comes to urge him to take off the black veil, but all failed. We can see that he spends his time in loneliness after he wears the black veil. The black veil which covers his face bring speculation, disgust and fear. Even no one dares to talk with him face to face. Among all its bad influence, the only good influence is making its wearer a very efficient clergyman, he was always summoned to people’s aid in mortal anguish. He became a man from men. His misery comes from the black veil, even he knows it himself. However, he doesn’t want to take off it even at his last second of his life. In this story, Hawthorne created a mysterious world, where reality and imaginary were mixed in romantic writing style (Wei, 2011).
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