    Abstract With the competition in retail business becoming fiercer, stores have become more and more focused on increasing customer satisfaction. In this paper, with the theory of customer delivered value, the author tries to analyze the current situation of Lotus in Xuzhou respectively from the viewpoints of total customer value Lotus has provided and total customer cost customers have spent. With data obtained from questionaires put out to the customers in a survey, the author analyzes the current customer satisfaction of Lotus and concludes that although it has done well in creating product value and service value, the service offered by the assistants can be improved and Lotus can further improve its image value by showing the store’s special care for the needs of the students. With the research the author tries to give feasible suggestions to increase the store’s image value and its personnel value and to reduce time cost, energy cost and psychology cost which will help increase customer satisfaction. The suggestions include providing discount goods for students on Youth Day, training assistants and rearranging the baskets and trolleys on the second floor, etc.  31539
    Key Words: Lotus     Customer Delivered Value     Customer Satisfaction
    毕业论文关键词:卜蜂莲花     顾客让渡价值     顾客满意度
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1General Statement of the Paper    1
    1.2 Research Objectives and Research Significance    1
    1.3 Overall Structure of the Paper    2
    Chapter Two Literature Review    3
    2.1 Research on Customer Delivered Value    3
    2.2 Research on Customer Satisfaction    3
    Chapter Three Theoretical Frame    5
    3.1 The Theory of Customer Delivered Value    5
    3.2 The Relationship between Customer Delivered Value and Customer Satisfaction    7
    Chapter Four An Analysis of the Current Situation of Lotus in Xuzhou    9
    4.1 The Brief Introduction of Lotus in Xuzhou    9
    4.2 An Analysis of the Current Situation of Lotus in Xuzhou Based on Total Customer Value    9
    4.3 An Analysis of the Current Situation of Lotus in Xuzhou Based on Total Consumer Cost    11
    4.4 Survey on the Current Customer Satisfaction of Lotus in Xuzhou    11
    Chapter Five Conclusion    14
    5.1 Research Conclusion    14
    5.2 Advice to Increase Customer Satisfaction of Lotus in Xuzhou    14
    References    17
    Appendix    18
    On Customer Satisfaction of Lotus in Xuzhou Based on Customer Delivered Value Theory
    Chapter One Introduction
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