Abstract The different cultures have bred different cultural values, so the cultural values of every country are different。 Family value is the core in the research of cultural values, and it has great impact on family members。 With the development of globalization, the cross-cultural communication between the USA and China is becoming more frequent。 We can get a better understanding of American culture and engage in cross-cultural communication preferably through learning American family values。 This thesis is based on a film called Boyhood, analyzing the causes of the formation of American family values from history and religion and defining family values。 It expounds American family values from four aspects: family structure, family relationship, marriage and education and describes the enlightenment to Chinese family, which helps us know more about American culture。75976

Keywords: family values; Boyhood; family structure; marriage; education

摘要不同的文化孕育了不同的文化价值观,每个国家的文化价值观都不相同。家庭价值观是文化价值体系的核心,它对每个家庭成员都有着非常重要的作用。随着世界全球化的不断发展, 美国与中国的跨文化交际越来越多。通过对美国家庭价值观的了解,我们可以更好地理解美国文化,更好地进行跨文化交际。本论文主要以电影《少年时代》为基础,从历史和宗教两个方面分析形成美国家庭价值观的原因,了解家庭价值观的定义,并从美国家庭的家庭结构,家庭成员关系,婚姻观和教育观来论述美国的家庭价值观,然后进一步提出美国家庭价值观可以给中国家庭带来的启示,有助于我们更好的了解美国家庭和美国文化。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 The Definition of Family Values 3

4。 The Causes of the Formation of American Family Values 4

4。1 History 4

4。2 Religion 5

5。 Family Values from Boyhood 6

5。1 Family Structure 6

5。2 Family Relationship 7

5。3 Marriage 9

5。4 Education 10

6。 Enlightenment to Chinese Family Values 11

7。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction 

In modern society, the most influential way of mass media is film。 People can learn more culture from different countries through films。 At the same time, with the deep development of economic globalization, intercultural contact is becoming increased significantly。 The USA is a world power and its economical and cultural communication with China increasing frequency。 So Culture, as the soft power, is becoming more and more important。 Lack of understanding may cause bias, bias may cause misunderstanding, and misunderstanding may cause conflicts or even wars (Zhou 1)。 Also, in recent years, more and more students go to America for further study。 Most of them choose to live in the homes of local residents。 In order to avoid conflicts as much as possible, it is significant for Chinese to understand American family and American culture。 Family is where people get their start in life。 No matter where in the world, family plays an important role in the society。 Family value is a cultural element and also the core in the research of cultural values, which reflects the American culture aptly。 So if we can fully understand American family value, we can get a better sense of American culture。论文网

















