摘 要中美两国有着不同的历史文化背景和传统习俗,因此产生了不同的文化价值观。本文试图从《黑猫警长》和《猫和老鼠》这两部经典的动画片入手,通过对比和定性研究的方法,浅析中美文化价值观在集体zhuyi与个人zhuyi、实干zhuyi与享乐zhuyi、情感型导向与工具型导向、农业文明导向与工业文明导向、整体直觉导向与逻辑分析导向这五个方面产生的差异,进而解释中美人民在行为思想上的一些区别,以有利于减少和避免跨文化交际中的误解。78853


Abstract China and America have different historical, cultural backgrounds and traditions, thus resulting in the different cultural values。 Through the comparison and contrast research approach and qualitative approach, this paper has analyzed the differences of Chinese and American cultural values that reflected in collectivism and inpidualism, activism and hedonism, emotional guidance and implemental guidance, agricultural civilization and industrial civilization, intuition guidance and logical guidance from two classical cartoon masterpieces Black Cat Sheriff and Tom and Jerry in China and America, and then has explained the differences of behaviors and thoughts between Chinese and American, so as to help people reduce and avoid misunderstanding in the cross-cultural communication。

Key words: Chinese-American culture; value of difference; Black Cat Sheriff; Tom and Jerry


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Understanding of Cultural Value 2

2。1 Culture 2

2。2 Cultural Value 3

2。3 Significance of Studies on Cultural Value 4

III。 Brief Introduction to Black Cat Sheriff and Tom and Jerry 5

3。1 Introduction to Black Cat Sheriff 5

3。2 Introduction to Tom and Jerry 6

IV。 Comparison Between Chinese and American Cultural Values 7

4。1 Inpidualism vs Collectivism 7

4。2 Hedonism vs Activism 9

4。3 Emotional Guidance vs Implemental Guidance 10

4。4 Guidance of Agricultural Civilization vs Guidance of Industrial Civilization 11

4。5 Intuitional Guidance vs Logical Guidance 13

V。 Conclusion 14

Bibliography 15

Acknowledgements 16

An Analysis of Differences of Chinese-American Cultural Value Between Black Cat Sheriff and Tom and Jerry

I。 Introduction

Today’s world is called “global village” which is narrowing the gap of countries with the rapid development of technology and science。 The connection between countries and people is becoming closer。 Cross-cultural communication has an important role in modern people’s life。 Besides, people from different countries have different historical, cultural backgrounds and traditions, thus resulting in the different cultural values, especially in Chinese and American cultural values。 What’s more, through the studies of other cultures, people can understand their countries’ cultures better。 If people do things in the same way that they do, their own cultures including values, attitudes and behaviors are largely hidden from their views。 When people spend some time analyzing another cultures, however, some of the subtleties that motivate behavior and opinions are understand more clearly。 Therefore, the study of the differences of cultural values is more effective to help people know different countries where communication barriers exist。 China, with a long history and brilliant culture, is not only one of the four great ancient civilizations, but also the birthplace of eastern civilization, which still represents mainstream culture in the east。 America, with a brief history and emerging culture, is the product of industrial revolution, which catalyzes tremendous manufacture and economic growth。 Therefore, these two cultural groups represent different cultural values between East and West。 In the aspect of studying of cultural values, many factors lead to different systems of cultural values, such as social structure, religion, history and so on。 Cultures from different countries are generally pided into western culture and eastern culture according to their historical backgrounds and great distinct differences in value systems and beliefs。 Above of all, value systems play a vital role in understanding of culture。 If someone wants to raise cross-cultural awareness, he may learn about the different value systems of Chinses-American cultures and adjust one’s behaviors to use fluent communication。 There are some aspects to analyze the differences of cultural values between China and America, such as inpidualism and collectivism, emotional guidance and implemental guidance, agricultural civilization and industrial civilization, hedonism and activism, intuition guidance and logical analysis guidance and differences between the meaning of cat and mouse in China and America and so on。 Black Cat Sheriff and Tom and Jerry are representative of cartoons and they are still popular in China and America。 The two cartoons both described the relationship of cat and mouse, but they are based on different cultural concepts and valuable standards in China and America。 So this paper has found differences between Chinese-American cultural values by comparing and contrasting these two cartoons。 文献综述

















