II。 Understanding of Cultural Value

    Cross-cultural communication, a burgeoning concept compared to the conventional subjects, originates in America。 The reason is obviously that American is a nation of immigrants, who are from many countries such as Asian, Africa, Europe, and so on。 Some problems have been found gradually during the communication with perse beliefs, customs and traditions。 America became a multi-cultural country through race struggles for their independent rights with unparalleled persity and interacted more frequently with other countries。 Besides, the government of China has practiced the reform and opening up since 1978, which made international interaction frequently in various kinds of aspects。 In recent years, with the background of economic globalization and booming economy, China has been getting more opportunities to become involved in the other countries, reflecting cultural shock in some respects which produce cultural value different from the rest of the world。

2。1 Culture

When speaking the definition of “culture”, it is not easy to say in English with some complicated words。 “Culture” originates from “colere” of Latin word, which means “planting” and “taking care of” in ancient time。 As time goes on, many specialists have tied to discover an appropriate definition for culture and put forward to the definition of all kinds of culture with forming different points of view。 A famous linguist Edward Sapir once said culture may be means what a society thinks and dose; language is a special kind of way of thinking which means culture covers everything and is a faith inherited in society。 When social inheritance is talked about, it is included all kinds of sources, such as societies, media, universities and other fields。 That is to say, culture is like a barrel which gathers what society or human of the country believes and does。来`自+优-尔^论:文,网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

There is one definition of culture which is shown certain or implicit parts that transmit by signs, including the unparalleled achievement of people, reflection of handicraft industry, center of cultural systems, and accomplishment of a special period of humankind, such as Chinese culture, Egyptian culture, Roman culture, etc。 There is another definition of culture, Hofstede pointed that culture is a nuclear standard that telling from one group people to another in view of psychology。 Culture is like everything that is from material things to metaphysical subjects such as value, success, faith, etc。 

To be precise, culture refers to the arts and intellectual accomplishment of people’s masterpieces, like work of art, dance, music and so on with referencing to the Oxford Dictionary。 For instance, when someone talks about Van Gogh, Chopin, Emily Dickson, etc。, he will expound culture in a perceptual way。 

From above all, it is not easy definitely to define the definition of culture, because of metaphysical and broadest concept。 But a common concept can be summarized from above all the definitions which means culture is an abstract concept that is involved in history of humankind, handicrafts, arts, beliefs, values and so on which are shared and inherited from generation to generation with a certain organization of humankind。

















