    Acknowledgments  One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not only their time and attention but also their hearts and souls. I would like to thank the following people because of their dedication and contribution to the completion of this paper. 31978
    First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Zhong Ling, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this thesis. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. Her keen and vigorous academic observation enlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study.
    I shall extend my thanks to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my friends from Shanghai Institute of Technology, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.
    The Necklace was published in 1884 as one of the masterpieces written by French writer Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893). The novel denounced the people living in vanity under the social background at that time in France with the tragedy of its heroine Mathilda Loisel.
    This paper follows the keyword “vanity” in Maupassant’s The Necklace, and analyzes the social problems and the harms that could be caused by vanity. The Necklace is popularized for its impressive descriptions that reveal the vanity -- one of the weaknesses of human beings, and alerts people to the price of vanity. The humanity reflection in the novel The Necklace is particularly meaningful to the contemporary society.
    This paper is pided into five parts. The first part serves as an introduction. The second part expounds the word “vanity” and to analyze its characteristics. The third part mainly analyzes the main influence of the vanity on heroine’s life in this novel. The fourth part explains what kind of damage could bring when vanity appears. The fifth part functions as a conclusion.
    Key Words: vanity, the view of values, necklace
    摘要小说《项链》是法国名作家居伊•德•莫泊桑(1850—1893)1884发表的一部力作。小说旨在以其主人公马蒂尔德(Mathilda Loisel)人生悲剧性的结尾抨击当时法国社会背景下人们贪图虚荣、追求享乐的时弊。
    Acknowledgments.    i
    Abstract.    ii
    摘要..    iii
    1 Introduction.    1
    2 Vanity, a Classical Topic, out of Necklace.     3
    2.1 Vanity, a Trait Appropriated to Human Beings.    3
    2.2 Vanity Claims to Material Wealth    4
    2.3 Vanity Seeks After Social Position    5
    3 The Fate Vanity Brought to Mathilda Loisel..     8
    3.1 The Necklace She Borrowed     8
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