    Abstract With the Network development booming over the past several years, now comes the information era. As a result of that unprecedented breakthrough in science and technology, replacement has taken place in consumption patterns among people all over the world. Online shopping, with its incomparable convenience and various updated marketing strategies, is appealing to more and more consumers, which leads to a huge shock wave towards the whole retailing industry.32088
    Supermarket industry shares a big piece of cake in retailing market and therefore it counts a lot in the overall picture of the retailing condition. It’s time for change. When looking into the external factors, people may find the way people display goods is directly affecting consumers’ behavior, for example, the display principles---where and what to display. This paper tends to look into the displaying principles and tries to find out how displaying affect daily outcomes in supermarkets. Adaptable advice will be given at the end of the research to improve competence of the whole retailing industry.
    To be more persuasive, this paper takes the most representative display stands—TOP GONDOLA (TG) as the study object. This research focus on how display of goods affecting its sales and adopts data from Auchan (Store 152) for further analysis.
    The paper comprises of five chapters. The first chapter gives some background information, including the purpose and significance of this study and the thesis structure. Chapter two offers the theory adopted and some researches related from both home and abroad. Chapter three and four make up the most important part of the study, with much examples listed. The last chapter draws a conclusion of the whole paper and all the references referred to are listed at the end.
    Key words: Displaying Principles     Consumer Perception     Auchan
    摘  要近年来,随着网络的迅速发展,信息时代到来的同时,人们传统的消费方式也逐渐被互联网购物取代。网购自身所具备的方便,快捷等优势被放大,电商频繁而创意新颖的营销活动吸引着大批消费者的眼球。这给传统零售行业带来了前所未有的竞争压力。
    毕业论文关键词:陈列原则     消费者感知     欧尚
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Purpose and Significance of This Study    2
    1.2 Thesis Structure    2
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