
    Chapter Two Literature Review    4
    2.1 Consumer Behavior Theory in Supermarket    4
    2.1.1 Consumer Perceptions    4
    2.1.2 Consumer Emotions    5
    2.1.3 Consumer Emotions and Shopping Outcomes    5
    2.1.4 Consumer Perceptions and Shopping Outcomes    6
    2.2 Retail Management Theory    6
    2.3 Researches Related Abroad    6
    2.4 Researched Related at Home    7
    Chapter Three Display Principles in Supermarket    8
    3.1 The Notion of Display    8
    3.2 Choice of Stuff    8
    3.2.1 Choosing by Season    8
    3.2.2 Choosing by item classification    8
    3.2.3 Choosing by price    9
    3.3 Location for Display Stands    10
    3.3.1 Seasonal Area    10
    3.3.2 Top Gondola    10
    3.3.3 Normal Layouts    10
    3.4 Special Methods Adopted in Displaying    11
    3.4.1 Art Decoration    11
    3.4.2 Stylish Displaying    11
    Chapter Four Experiment and Analysis of How Displaying Influence Sales    12
    4.1 Introduction of the Experiment    12
    4.1.1 Introduction of Auchan    12
    4.1.2 Introduction of Section Stationery in Auchan    13
    4.1.3 Purpose and Preparations of the Experiment    13
    4.2 The Progress of the Experiment    14
    4.3 The Results of the Experiments    14
    4.4 Analysis of the Experiment    15
    Chapter Five Conclusion    17
    References    19
    A Study on How Displaying Principles Affect
    TG Sales in Supermarkets From Consumer Perception—Case Study of Auchan
    Chapter One Introduction
    The advanced science and technology achievements reached in the Network industry have brought the concept of Internet highway into existence. This epoch-making innovation has by now subverted vigorously the mode we run our lives, including the way we buy stuff. In the old days, we used to walk out of the house and got whatever we need in the supermarket miles away or in the grocery next door. As time passing by, people living in today’s modern world seems to suffer much more from lacking of time than those several decades ago, and that’s when online shopping starts to get its way.
    There’s no doubt that the more prosperous online business gets, the more suffering retailing business takes. When compared to the traditional consumption pattern, online shopping does enjoy some singular advantages such as a save of time, more discounts on the products, more choice of goods and more energy saved for other daily activities. There’s no reason that the retailing industry doesn’t take it as a threat and take actions without any hesitation.
    As is known to all, supermarket plays a major role in the retailing market and it’s of great significance for us to look deeper into its functioning mode. To increase the sales of goods in the supermarket, people need to think about three basic questions, those are what to display, where and how. To be more persuasive, attention should be focused on the display stands set out along both sides of main road. The purpose of the study on the display principles of goods is to provide an efficient way of increasing competitiveness of traditional consumption pattern. Through real data collected from Auchan, achievements will be much more convincing and instructive.
    1.1 Purpose and Significance of This Study
    Supermarket differs from other service industries as that people tend to help themselves throughout the whole shopping experience. To be more specific, people get in touch with the products they want directly without any detailed information or description from any sales person. That is to say, the only factor that affects the decision made by consumers whether to buy or not lies into the way the goods are exhibited. The display principles adopted by certain goods serves as a virtual sales person as it shows the goods and makes people willing to buy. Therefore, we are urged to learn more about the display system and the way it functions.
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