
    1.2 Purpose of the StudyWith more and more attention paid to intercultural communication competence nowadays,universities and colleges have attached great importance to the cultivation of students’ interculturalsensitivity. Many studies have given suggestions on how to cultivate intercultural sensitivity butmost of them are from the perspective of teachers.Meanwhile, although scholars home and abroad have made enormous contribution, empiricalones oriented at non-English-major seniors are quite rare and far from comprehensive. Hu (2005)once said in his paper that essays on intercultural communication which are based on empiricalresearch make up less than 1% of the total in number.Therefore, this paper investigates non-English-major seniors to make some suggestions onEnglish teaching from students’ perspective.
    1.3 Research Questions(1) What is the overall level of non-English-major seniors’ intercultural sensitivity?(2) What is the correlation between the five dimensions of Intercultural Sensitivity?(3) How basic English skills influence intercultural sensitivity in terms of university level and CET4/CET6 grades?(4) Which way of cultural contact helps to improve intercultural sensitivity?
    1.4 OrganizationThis paper is pided into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces some basic information aboutintercultural sensitivity and purposes and questions of the research. Chapter 2 comes to thedefinition of key terms and reviews the related studies on intercultural communication andintercultural sensitivity. Then in chapter 3, it goes to how the research is conducted, includingsubject information, research instruments, data collection and processing procedure. After that,there are research results and discussion on how to improve intercultural sensitivity in chapter 4. Atlast, this paper concludes major findings and limitations of this research and gives some suggestionsto future studies.
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