Abstract The Romance of Three Kingdoms is one of the most famous novel in China which is written by Luo Guanzhong. It is recognized as the earliest full-length Chinese novel, which introduces the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu, and the complex political, military and diplomatic struggles during the Three Kingdom period of China.
There are a lot of characters in this novel with different appellation. Appellations are words which are used to express the relationships and people’s status and play important roles in interpersonal interaction. The researcher of the present thesis chooses one hundred and eight appellations in The Romance of Three Kingdoms and classifies them into honorific appellation, laudatory appellation, modest appellation and abusive appellation. Besides, this research analyzes the translation of appellation in The Romance of Three Kingdoms from the perspective of domestication and foreignization.32670
She finds the English counterparts in the English version and comes to a conclusion that about a half of the appellations are translated with literal translation, which is influenced by foreignization. In other cases, the translator is guided by domestication and uses liberal translation. Foreignization prevails relatively in Robert’s translating of the one hundred and eight appellations in The Romance of Three Kingdoms.
Key Words: Appellation The Romance of Three Kingdoms Domestication Foreignization
摘 要《三国演义》是中国四大名著之一,它由元末明初小说家罗贯中著,是中国最早的长篇章回体小说。小说描写了从东汉末年到西晋初年之间近100年的历史风云。全书反映了三国时代的政治军事斗争以及三国时代各类社会矛盾转化。
英语论文关键词:称谓词 三国演义 归化 异化
Abstract i
摘 要 ii
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 The Background of the Research 1
1.2 The Significance of the Research 1
1.3 The Research Question 2
1.4 The Structure of the Research 2
Chapter Two Literature Review 4
2.1 Previous Research 4
2.2 Domestication and Foreignization 5
Chapter Three Methodology 6
3.1 Data Collection 6
3.2 Data Analysis. 6
Chapter Four Result and Discussion 7
4.1 Appellation 7
4.1.1 Definition 7
4.1.2 Classification of Appellation 7 Honorific Appellation 8 Laudatory Appellation 9
- 上一篇:从饮食文化透析中美文化差异
- 下一篇:巴金小说《家》中的文化负载词翻译策略研究