    摘 要随着经济的日益全球化,国际经济的快速发展带动了广告业的腾飞,英语广告翻译日益成为翻译学研究的重要组成部分。本论文从英语广告的特点出发,介绍了直译和意译两种重要的翻译方法,并通过对比这两种翻译方法所翻译的不同类型的广告,分析直译与意译在英语广告翻译中的优缺点。本文旨在帮助译者更清楚的认识和了解直译与意译的差异,以便在翻译英语广告时更好地选择和运用恰当的翻译方法,使译文尽可能的达到与原广告相同的宣传效果。33606
    Abstract  With the globalization of economy, the rapid development of international economy has led to the prosperity of advertising. English advertisements translation is becoming an important part of translation field. According to the features of English advertisements, this paper introduces two important translation methods, which are literal translation and free translation, and it analyses the advantages and disadvantages of literal translation and free translation by comparing different types of English advertisements translated with the two methods. It is hoped that the paper will be helpful for the translators to understand and realize the differences between literal translation and free translation clearly so that they can choose and use the suitable translation method to achieve the same effect of publicity with the original advertisement as much as possible.
    Key words: English advertisements; literal translation; free translation
    A Comparative Analysis of Literal Translation and Free Translation of English Advertisements
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Studies on English Advertisements    2
     2.1 The Definition of Advertisement    2
     2.2 The Features of English Advertisements    3
    III. Principles and Tactics of Advertising Translation    5
     3.1 Principles of Advertising Translation    5
      3.1.1 Faithful to the Content of Information    5
      3.1.2 Attractive in the Form of Language    5
      3.1.3 Cultural Acceptability    6
      3.1.4 Smoothness    6
     3.2 Tactics of Advertising Translation    7
      3.2.1 Literal Translation    7
      3.2.2 Free Translation    8
    IV. Analysis of Literal and Free Translation of English Advertisements    8
     4.1 Literal Translation of English Advertisements    8
     4.2 Free Translation of English Advertisements    11
     4.3 Literal Translation vs. Free Translation    12
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgement    17
    I. Introduction
        With the rapid development of global economy and international trade, in our modern life, English advertisement has become an important source of information and an indispensable part in the market competition. English advertisement is a way that tells the public something about the products. The style of English advertisement language is instant and effective in persuasion. In English advertisements, except for dedicate choose of words, advertisements writers usually use many kinds of rhetoric techniques to enhance the effect expression and render the product function. The main purpose of English advertisements is to show the uniqueness of the products so that the company can spread the advantages of the products to attract consumers’ attention and stimulate their desire to buy. In order to develop the target market and get consumer’s ratification successfully, the translation of English advertisements has become more and more important than ever before. English advertisements translation is a cross-cultural activity, which involves many factors, such as national culture, target consumer psychology and aesthetics. Among these factors, the method of English advertisements translation is the basic step to achieve the most profit from the advertisements. As we all know, literal translation and free translation are two important translation methods. Therefore, literal translation and free translation will be learned in this paper. By comparing these two translation methods in the application of English advertisements, this paper will analyse their differences and it will find out their advantages and disadvantages, which is helpful for the translators to choose appropriate method according to different types of advertisements. No matter which method is chosen, the purpose is to make sure that the information of advertisements easier to recognize, to read, to listen and to understand in the target market. This paper aims to study translation strategies, especially literal translation and free translation of English advertisements. At first, it will introduce the definition of advertisement and the features of English advertisements. Then it will elaborates translation principles and two translation tactics. For further study, in the forth part, it will give some examples of literal translation and free translation in English advertisements. At last, it will make a conclusion.
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