    摘 要交际法是上世纪70年代根据美国社会语言学家海姆斯和英国语言学家韩礼德的理论形成的。交际法是培养在特定的社会语境中运用语言进行交际能力的一种教学法体系。基于交际法理论,本文通过教学实验研究方法分析了交际法对初中生英语听说能力的影响,探究了英语听说教学中应用交际法的可行性,同时探索交际法在听说教学中的多种实现形式,从而增强学生实际运用语言的能力。希望本文可以对初中英语听说教学有所启示。33607
    Abstract  Communicative Approach is formed on the basis of the theory which has been proposed by American society linguist Hymes and British linguist Halliday in the 1970s. The Communicative Approach is a kind of teaching methods system to cultivate communicative ability in the socially certain context. Based on the theory, the author carries out an empirical study of Communicative Approach’s application in English teaching in junior middle school and proves that application of Communicative Approach to English teaching can improve students’ communicative competence. This paper aims at studying the influence of the method on listening and speaking abilities and gains an insight into the feasibility and realization of Communicative Approach to enhance students’ abilities to use English practically. Hopefully this paper provides English listening and speaking teaching with enlightenments in junior middle schools.
      Key words: Communicative Approach; communicative competence; English listening and speaking teaching
     Application of Communicative Approach to English Listening and Speaking Teaching in Junior Middle School
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Understanding of Communicative Approach    3
     2.1 The Theoretical Basis of Communicative Approach    3
     2.2 The Basic Principles of Communicative Approach    4
     2.3 The Characteristics of the Communicative Approach    4
    Ⅲ. An Experiment of the Communicative Approach    5
     3.1 Experimental Preparation    5
     3.2 Experimental Design    6
     3.3 Experimental Process    8
     3.4 Experimental Results    10
    Ⅳ. Analysis of the Results and New Methods    12
     4.1 Analysis of the Results    12
     4.2 The Enlightenment of the Research     13
     4.3 Application of the Research    14
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    18
    Acknowledgements    19
    Appendix    20
    I. Introduction
    Based on language function, communicative language teaching method is aimed to cultivate students’ communicative competence. The concept of communicative competence can trace back to Chomsky in 1965, who was the first to use this term called linguistic competence. In 1971, social linguist Hymes challenged Chomsky about the conception of language competence. He put forward the term called communicative competence in the famous On Communicative Competence for the first time. He believes that communicative competence is the interaction of syntax, psychology, social culture and the practical application of language ability, in other words, communicative competence is a complexity of various ability (282). Thus the communicative competence is considered to be the direct theoretical basis of Communicative Approach. The famous British linguist D.Wilkins sharply pointed out the limitations of the traditional grammar syllabus and situational syllabus, and illustrated the ideas and functions in language communication in his book notional Syllabus in 1976. In 1978, Widdowson published communicative language teaching.
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