    摘 要莫马迪是当今美国最为杰出的印第安作家之一,其散文《通往雨山的路》发表于1969年。作者通过追溯基尔瓦族的三个历史阶段:产生、发展和衰落,探讨印第安民族的历史命运。本文运用文献研究法、历史分析法和对比研究法对美洲印第安民族的发展和中国少数民族的发展以及当前中国少数民族的生存与发展状况进行分析,并揭示出在中国少数民族发展过程中,中国能从印第安民族的发展中得到一些借鉴。本文有望为中国少数民族的繁荣发展提出一些可行性建议。33774
    Abstract The Way to Rainy Mountain is written by N. Scott Momaday, one of the foremost Native American writers in 1960s. It is about the three stages of Kiowas history: emergence, evolution and decline and Momaday’s exploration on the destiny of American Indian people. Methods of literature study, history analysis and comparative research will be used in this paper to discuss Indian people’s development, the development of Chinese ethnic minorities and the current survival conditions of Chinese ethnic minorities. Accordingly, it reveals that China can get some references from the United States in the development of Chinese ethnic minorities. Hopefully, this paper will put forward some feasible recommendations on how Chinese ethnic minorities have broad prosperity in development.
    Key words: American Indian people; Chinese ethnic minorities; prosperity in development 
    Analysis of the Theme of The Way to Rainy Mountain
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Historical Development of American Indian People    2
    2.1 The History of Kiowas Ancestors in The Way to Rainy Mountain    2
    2.2 Process and Consequences of Indian People’s Historical Development    4
    III. Ethnic Issues of China and the United States    6
    3.1 Some Chinese Minorities with a Brilliant History    6
    3.2 Conditions of Chinese Minorities at Present    7
    3.3 Problems of Chinese Minorities in Development    8
    3.4 A Comparison of the United States and China on the Ethnic Issues    10
    IV. Programmes for Chinese Minority’s Development    12
    4.1 Lessons of American Indian People’s Decline    12
    4.2 Feasible Programmes and Measures.    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17
    I. Introduction
    In the research works on The Way to Rainy Mountain, there are many scholars who argue that it is N. Scott Momaday’s a journey of cultural root-seeking that the related works include Gretchen M Bataille’s Momaday and the Evocation of Identity and Wang Jiuwei’s N.Scott Momaday’s Journey of Cultural Root-Seeking Reviewing From The Way to Rainy Mountain. N.Scott Momaday is an outstanding representative of Indian writers, whose work House Made of Dawn won the Pulitzer Prize in 1969. After that, American Indian literature gradually attracted the attention of scholars. In 1970, Professor Alan Vellie opened a native literature course in Oklahoma State University. This area was subsequently crowned with the title of “American Indian Research Study” or “Native American Research Study”, etc. At the end of the 1960’s and the early 1970’s, Indians research curriculum appeared at American Universities which was the fruit of the civil rights movement. As a multinational country, China is more similar to the United States in national conditions. On the study of Chinese ethnic minorities, domestic scholars have achieved outstanding outcomes, among them the Introduction to Chinese Nation is seen as an important ethnic theoretical work which was compiled by Song Shuhua and his assistants. (Song is the lifetime professor of Minzu University of China, the counselor of the academic board of EMSCOC, the president of Chinese Association of Ethnology.) In recent years, there has been published some research papers on Sino-U.S. relation about ethnic issues, such as Zhang Jun’s Analysis of the Sino-U.S. Differences on the Issues of Nation.
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